![]() Reiko's original ending in the arcade was pretty boring. He just walks through a portal. As John Vogel said about it, "It was a stupid joke." When they did the FMV endings for the PC and PlayStation, time was taken to add the Shao Kahn bit at the end of Reiko's ending. What did it all mean? |
![]() It was Steve Beran's idea to add to Reiko's ending. Even Ed Boon wasn't sure what Steve meant by it. It could have meant anything. Maybe Reiko was Shao Kahn's son (or other family member). Maybe Reiko was stepping up as the new emperor. Perhaps this was his reward for saving Edenia. It could be that Reiko just thought Kahn's helmet was hella-cool. But most people had it in their heads that Reiko was Shao Kahn. Image to the right created by Patrick Sarni. |
![]() Recently a Mortal Kombat Conquest epsiode featured Shao Kahn giving orders to Reiko, making them two different characters. So the issue is settled, right? WRONG!! When are you people going to get it?!? New Line and Midway have two separate storylines!!! SEPARATE, SEPARATE, SEPARATE!!! They are different!!! Geez! So uh, where was I? Ah yes. As far as the games were concerned, it was still a mystery. Boon & Co., when asked, gave ambiguous answers like "Not exactly". It must have meant they hadn't decided yet whether he's Shao Kahn or not, because later they decide... Image to the left created by Malitor Greymaulkin. |
<McDaniel> is reiko shao-kahn? a real answer please! <ED_BOON> No, he's not. That sequence was made to add an element of mystery to the character... <ED_BOON> although he is most likely one of Shao kahn's minions.This quote was from a live chat with Ed Boon. It was referring to the FMV sequence (not the GB ending). It's interesting that he says Reiko is one of Shao Kahn's minions, when the game's storyline has always said that Reiko works for Shinnok, not Shao Kahn. Also, this answer was given before the Game Boy version came out - meaning the Game Boy ending would supercede this answer. Furthermore, as already mentioned, Ed Boon is not the one in charge of the storyline. A question about the storyline is being asked to someone who didn't really come up with the story at all.
<Total-MK> The_Purple_Bunny asks: 'Guys, to possibly clear once and for all, what is the official statement on Reiko. Is he Shao Kahn, or not?'This is an odd answer. In what way they are "associated" was never explained in the games, and is never explained here. A Norman Osborn/Green Goblin relationship might even be possible, as far as "associations" go. Also, the storyline for the games never says they have a relationship whatsoever - a number of theories (Shao Kahn's soul jumping into Reiko's body, etc.) could still be valid even with this answer.
<Mike-Taran> no he is not shao kahn, but he is associated with him
<sansie> If I were to decide right now, reiko is a lame character that people should forget... and he's not Shao.This is another interesting answer. Although the game itself has said Reiko is Kahn, the Midway team, by the next game, is saying the opposite. This sometimes happens in the storylines, which is why Johnny Cage has now never died in MKII/MK3, why Raiden has become the protector of Earth Realm (though you couldn't tell in MK1, he's been protecting it since centuries earlier), why Scorpion has become Japanese instead of Chinese as originally implied, etc. Maybe it's a case of "too many chefs spoiling the broth", but events can change from one game to the next. Remember, everything in Back to the Future II contradicted what was said in the original. Similarly, certain plot points that were revealed in MKDA could be altered/ignored/changed/etc. by the time MK6 comes out. This is what happens when there is not one writer, but a team of writers, who may disagree with each other on certain plot points and may write stories that contradict each other.