Mortal Kombat ICQ Skin

Mirabilis ICQ is a very popular chat program.  Thanks to a neat program called ICQ Plus, ICQ is now skinnable.  There are some Mortal Kombat skins available for it (both based off the MK movie).  Personally, I don't like using MK skins with my ICQ as it makes the letters kind of hard to read.  But if you're a die-hard MK fan you'll want to use these skins anyway, or at least have them.

Click each of the thumbnails for a full-size preview:

Skin Name: MKQ
File Size: 91 KB
Author: Silent
Home Page: Silent's Theme Site

Skin Name: Cary Tagawa ICQ 02- Mortal Kombat
File Size: 217 KB
Author: Annie James
Home Page: Cary Tagawa Online

Make sure you have ICQ as well as ICQ Plus installed to ensure that the skins will work.

To make these work, copy the zip file you want to the folder "skins" under you ICQ Plus folder - usually C:\Program Files\ICQPlus\Skins

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