Time again for an animation update, a lot of submissions this time around, check 'em out:
Two last minute additions:
I'd like to thank all the animation authors, which include Armitage, ChannelTV, Cobra3000, Dude4001, eastender, El-Niño, EvilEgg, fatalitymaster, Hybrid Fury, ikillforgod, INAVATOR, Lemming18, LordArashi888, mans1ay3r, MysticSkillz, nofearman, RageRaptor, Random-Her03, scoonie-1, Slicing-Claws, Spamzilla, StaticWave, SubZero-94, superawesomeness, Suroy, ToxicFog, Trizyin, and wladodragovic. See you on the next update!