The Kombat Pavilion

March 31, 2008

Just happened to run into TimsMK over the weekend, check it out:

This was quite an unexpected event, as Tim lives in the U.K. but happened to come over to the U.S. for a holiday.  As you can probably deduce from the photos, we had played Mortal Kombat II for most of the time he was here, in addition to discussing top secret projects that we're both working on.

March 16, 2008

Time again for an animation update, a lot of submissions this time around, check 'em out:

Two last minute additions:

I'd like to thank all the animation authors, which include Armitage, ChannelTV, Cobra3000, Dude4001, eastender, El-Niño, EvilEgg, fatalitymaster, Hybrid Fury, ikillforgod, INAVATOR, Lemming18, LordArashi888, mans1ay3r, MysticSkillz, nofearman, RageRaptor, Random-Her03, scoonie-1, Slicing-Claws, Spamzilla, StaticWave, SubZero-94, superawesomeness, Suroy, ToxicFog, Trizyin, and wladodragovic.  See you on the next update!

March 4, 2008
Mortal Komedy Holiday Special 2

This may be several months late, but that's OK.  We should really celebrate the holiday spirit all year long anyway, right?  With that being said, here is a present for all of you, courtesy of Phelous Something and the rest of the Mortal Komedy team:

So be sure to download Mortal Komedy Holiday Special 2 now!

Remember, these videos are in the DiVX format, so be sure you have the DiVX player and/or plugin to view them.  For more information, visit