The Kombat Pavilion

MK NeoPlanet Skins

MK NeoPlanet Skins

Visit and download one of the greatest browsers ever - NeoPlanet!  One of its best features is the fact that it's skinnable - and shortly after it's release, Mortal Kombat skins are already available.  There aren't as many available as there are for WinAmp *cheap plug*, but it will have to suffice. :)

Skin Name: Mortal Kombat 2
Author: Bryan Datu
Home Page:


NeoPlanet browser users: Click here.

All others: Download the skin here, unzip it and extract it to:

C:\Program Files\NeoPlanet\data\Media\MortalKombat2

(directory may differ depending on where you have NeoPlanet installed)

Skin Name: Tae Kwon Doe
Author: Steve Benton
Home Page:


NeoPlanet browser users: Click here.

All others: Download the skin here, unzip it and extract it to:

C:\Program Files\NeoPlanet\data\Media\TKD

(directory may differ depending on where you have NeoPlanet installed)