Time for another round of animations, let's start with some that are holiday themed:
Also, these are very interesting... Fatalities as they could have been done on the upcoming Ultimate MK for the Nintendo DS (making creative of the stylus and all!):
And be sure to check out the rest of the animations as well:
A huge thanks to everyone who submitted animations – that includes 7oas7y, Androu1, Bhograj, connemaraproductions, Dan-Dark, DeadlyDragon, Dragon7, Dude4001, eastender, El-Niño, EvilEgg, filipinoy69, Goat-Man, Hybrid Fury, killFrogg, L1LC, Ogama-Prime, Oxygenwaster201, Red-Lantern, SilverWolfStudios, Spawn777, Sub-Zero1234, superawesomeness, Too-Demonsional, Total-MK, UltimateRyu, ValiantDre, WeaponLord, xtc-alec, xthesnarfx, Yeury, and Zariel!