The Kombat Pavilion

November 26, 2007

Time for another round of animations, let's start with some that are holiday themed:

Also, these are very interesting... Fatalities as they could have been done on the upcoming Ultimate MK for the Nintendo DS (making creative of the stylus and all!):

And be sure to check out the rest of the animations as well:

A huge thanks to everyone who submitted animations – that includes 7oas7y, Androu1, Bhograj, connemaraproductions, Dan-Dark, DeadlyDragon, Dragon7, Dude4001, eastender, El-Niño, EvilEgg, filipinoy69, Goat-Man, Hybrid Fury, killFrogg, L1LC, Ogama-Prime, Oxygenwaster201, Red-Lantern, SilverWolfStudios, Spawn777, Sub-Zero1234, superawesomeness, Too-Demonsional, Total-MK, UltimateRyu, ValiantDre, WeaponLord, xtc-alec, xthesnarfx, Yeury, and Zariel!

November 10, 2007
Some Games

Here are some games that have come out recently:

A big thanks to Bhograj, Loopas, superawesomeness, shadow-chiller, FriendlyWarlord, and The Gotham Gazette for the many different varied types of games you see here on this update.

November 2, 2007
Mortal Komedy

There are two new episodes of Mortal Komedy that have come out since the last time I updated about this great series!

So be sure to download both videos:

Thanks to Phelous Something for letting me know about the latest releases for this excellent series!