You realize you're trembling. Jenna's eyes glow with hate. "Okay," you mutter. There goes your final wish. But you have no choice. Jenna hurls a cola can at you. "Do the deed," she snarls. You yank the can's flip top. "I wish..." you mumble. "Say it so I can hear you!" Jenna shrieks. The Mortal Revenge guys circle you and Stephanie. You are surrounded. "I wish you weren't a genie," you say. "I wish you were an ordinary person with no magical powers." The cola can shakes in your hand. It gets hot - so hot that you drop it to the ground. Instead of being blinded by white misty smoke, everything goes black. A blackness filled with a horrible sound - the sound of Jenna's terrifying, scream- ing laughter. Finally the blackness fades away. The shrieking stops. Slowly, you open your eyes. You're home! Your old home! No mansion! No multiple entertainment centers! Just you and Stephanie playing a regular video game. On an or- dinary TV. "What happened?" Stephanie asks. "That game seemed so real." "Yeah," you agree. "Too real. But I have a feel- ing we won in |