[23:30] *** Joins: Rich_Divizio (MK5org@157.238.74.e0012=) [23:30] *** ATOMIZER sets mode: +v Rich_Divizio [23:30] <Snowflakes> lol stealth [23:30] <Snowflakes> nah I'm used to it [23:30] * Snowflakes scares everyone with the pinkie [23:30] <Rich_Divizio> Hey! [23:30] <Kiara^> hi rich [23:30] <Rich_Divizio> Hello [23:30] <Snowflakes> hey rich [23:31] <ATOMIZER> lol [23:31] <Rich_Divizio> hey Everyone [23:31] <Kiara^> you the real rich? [23:31] <Stealth-Ninja> Hi Little Richard [23:31] <Rich_Divizio> Yes [23:31] <Stealth-Ninja> huh [23:31] *** ATOMIZER is now known as FERTILIZER [23:31] <Rich_Divizio> Sorry I did not come to the Fight Night [23:31] <Scott-MK5org> Oh my good you are Rich [23:31] <Scott-MK5org> er god [23:31] <]{0MBAT> FERTILIZER, lol! [23:31] <Kiara^> lol [23:31] *** Joins: ON3 (webmaster@12.128.178.ZE51=) [23:31] <FERTILIZER> hehe [23:31] <Rich_Divizio> I was helping my Dad [23:31] <Scott-MK5org> Guys that really is Rich! [23:31] <]{0MBAT> I see [23:31] *** FERTILIZER is now known as Jonin01 [23:31] <Stealth-Ninja> you're kidding me? [23:32] *** Parts: Altron (evan@=vY38-vb75.nwc.alaska.net) [23:32] <Scott-MK5org> Hey Richard! Hows it going?? [23:32] *** Joins: Rose_Antonio (Dominion2@=rarf7-29.rapidnet.com) [23:32] <Rich_Divizio> Nope [23:32] <]{0MBAT> Good thing I'm logging [23:32] <Rich_Divizio> Were buliding a Deck [23:32] <ON3> Where is Rich? [23:32] *** Jonin01 sets mode: +v Kiara^ [23:32] *** Jonin01 sets mode: +v Scott-MK5org [23:32] *** Jonin01 sets mode: +v Snowflakes [23:32] *** Jonin01 sets mode: +v Stealth-Ninja [23:32] *** Jonin01 sets mode: +v ]{0MBAT [23:32] *** Jonin01 sets mode: +v ON3 [23:32] *** Jonin01 sets mode: +v Rose_Antonio [23:32] <Scott-MK5org> Well crap I'd op you Rich but only this Nosaj guy can [23:32] <Jonin01> there [23:32] <]{0MBAT> lol [23:32] <Scott-MK5org> Rich do you want to reschedule? [23:32] <]{0MBAT> Damn Jason [23:32] *** Jonin01 sets mode: +o Rich_Divizio [23:32] *** ChanServ sets mode: -o Rich_Divizio [23:32] <Kiara^> fangs jonin [23:32] <DArqueBishop> Heh, interesting. [23:32] <]{0MBAT> remind me to take that out of the log, heh [23:32] <]{0MBAT> and that [23:32] <Rich_Divizio> and he is older so I have to help lift beams and stuff like that [23:32] <Jonin01> np [23:32] *** ON3 is now known as Albert [23:32] <Kiara^> Rich Divizio, what happened to you last week? [23:32] <Rich_Divizio> Hey Scott [23:33] *** Albert is now known as Albert_AMKD [23:33] <STEROLIZER> Rich is that really you??? [23:33] <Stealth-Ninja> huh [23:33] <Stealth-Ninja> I am confused [23:33] <STEROLIZER> if so why did ya ditch us last week [23:33] <Scott-MK5org> Its really Rich lol [23:33] <Rich_Divizio> Kiara, read the top, answer is there. [23:33] <Stealth-Ninja> if it is him. Then I am sorry for saying what I said [23:33] <Scott-MK5org> Sorry Rich, we usually get imposters [23:33] <DArqueBishop> He already said. [23:33] <Rich_Divizio> Oh come now! [23:33] <STEROLIZER> ya [23:33] <]{0MBAT> He built a deck [23:33] <Kiara^> k [23:33] <Kiara^> sorry [23:33] <Scott-MK5org> haha, see Rich everyone loves you so much they want to be you :-P [23:34] <Rich_Divizio> email me at ufo@wwa.com [23:34] <]{0MBAT> Lol rich, you should be getting a lot of apologies for what people have said about you [23:34] <Kiara^> hehe [23:34] * Kiara^ didnt say nothing [23:34] <Snowflakes> lol ]{0MBAT [23:34] <Rich_Divizio> That's ok [23:34] * Jonin01 voiced him :P [23:34] <Rich_Divizio> I should of been here [23:34] <STEROLIZER> Well he really hsould be the one to apologize, but he already did.... so... [23:34] <Rich_Divizio> I got a question? [23:34] <]{0MBAT> Rich: You should HAVE been here [23:34] <STEROLIZER> should even [23:34] <Scott-MK5org> Rich I understand, think happen [23:35] <Scott-MK5org> er [23:35] <DArqueBishop> So, what happens now? Do we hold an impromptu Fight Night now, or reschedule? [23:35] <Scott-MK5org> things happen [23:35] <Rich_Divizio> Do peaople now use voice headsets to chat [23:35] <STEROLIZER> why not just now [23:35] <Snowflakes> I think a lot of people would yell for not being told [23:35] <Kiara^> better call/memo everyone [23:35] <]{0MBAT> Rich_Divizio We can [23:35] <STEROLIZER> no rich [23:35] <Scott-MK5org> No, the chat would be here [23:35] <Albert_AMKD> Rich: will you be playing Quan Chi for next MK game, or any other related character? [23:35] <]{0MBAT> Rich_Divizio Do you wanna voice chat? That would be so cool [23:35] <Kiara^> Rich Divizio: are you related to STEROLIZER? [23:35] <Scott-MK5org> Rich, would you like to ReSchedule/ [23:35] <Kiara^> just curious [23:35] <STEROLIZER> yes Ki he is [23:35] <Rich_Divizio> How do you do a voice chat [23:35] <STEROLIZER> he's my long lost daddy [23:36] <Rich_Divizio> email me scott [23:36] <DArqueBishop> Well, if we WERE to do a voice chat, I'd have to reboot. The website doesn't work in Linux. :( [23:36] <Scott-MK5org> Okay [23:36] <]{0MBAT> Rich_Divizio: If you have a microphone and speakers, you just need IE4 and you're all set [23:36] <ReppyBoy> Can just anyone buy arcade PCB boards from the manufacturer???? [23:36] <Kiara^> who's vchat [23:36] <Kiara^> which one [23:36] <STEROLIZER> hmm [23:36] <Scott-MK5org> Rich we could do a voice chat right now fi you want. I know a site, but I still want you to do Fight Night if you want? [23:36] <Jonin01> yeah that would be neat! a vchat with Rich. :) [23:36] <]{0MBAT> http://www.geocities.com/halcyon-dreams/vchat.html [23:36] <Rich_Divizio> Man!! It's hard to keep up with all the questions, Sorry again [23:37] <Kiara^> its ok, just click on that voice chat url [23:37] <Snowflakes> you can't log a voice chat [23:37] <]{0MBAT> Rich: Go to http://www.geocities.com/halcyon-dreams/vchat.html [23:37] <]{0MBAT> Snowflakes: So what? [23:37] <Snowflakes> I'm reminding you all [23:37] <]{0MBAT> lol [23:37] <Rich_Divizio> What do I do for the voice chat [23:37] <Scott-MK5org> Stop complaining Rich :) hehe Just kidding, You just suprised us thats all, Ddin't expect you to come in here tonight :) [23:37] <Albert_AMKD> when you reschedule, the chat won't be this way Rich [23:37] <Snowflakes> people will whine [23:37] <Snowflakes> lol [23:37] <Rich_Divizio> ok [23:37] <]{0MBAT> oh well, fuck them [23:37] <Stealth-Ninja> you can copy it though [23:37] <]{0MBAT> hehe [23:37] <STEROLIZER> I like voice chat [23:37] <]{0MBAT> YOu cant record [23:37] <]{0MBAT> can you? [23:37] <STEROLIZER> I can here you [23:37] <Rich_Divizio> do I need a mic [23:37] <Kiara^> ]{0MBAT said fuck [23:37] <Scott-MK5org> Hey BRB, Im gnna get my microphone [23:37] <STEROLIZER> but you can't here me [23:37] <Snowflakes> yeah you do rich [23:37] <]{0MBAT> yes Rich, you need a mic [23:37] <Kiara^> ]{0MBAT said a bad word daddy [23:37] <Rich_Divizio> I have one [23:37] <]{0MBAT> Kiara^ said fuck too [23:37] <Snowflakes> and it has to be set up proper [23:37] <Kiara^> only said what u said [23:37] <Rich_Divizio> let me plug it in [23:38] *** Scott-MK5org is now known as Scott-BeRightBack [23:38] <STEROLIZER> can I say Fuck??? [23:38] <Kiara^> you said fuck first [23:38] <]{0MBAT> I only said fuck because I knew you would [23:38] <Jonin01> Lambert made a surprise appearance here once like this too. He took off when he didn't recognize anyone though :P [23:38] <]{0MBAT> and i was right [23:38] <Kiara^> now he said it [23:38] <Snowflakes> lol jonin [23:38] <STEROLIZER> cool [23:38] <]{0MBAT> Rich is gonna voice chat [23:38] <Rich_Divizio> Everyone hold a sec [23:38] <Stealth-Ninja> Scott... you should go on too [23:38] <Jonin01> k [23:39] <DArqueBishop> brb, gonna reboot into Windows. [23:39] *** Parts: DArqueBishop (drkbish@=Cqwv5799-227.houston.rr.com) [23:39] <]{0MBAT> Rich is coming to town [23:39] <]{0MBAT> lol [23:39] <Rich_Divizio> ok I'm going to that page you said [23:40] <Albert_AMKD> wich page is that? [23:40] <Stealth-Ninja> Scott [23:40] <Stealth-Ninja> go in there [23:40] * Jonin01 is headed to that vchat too now, and will shut down his kiss:psycho circus dl. [23:40] <]{0MBAT> poor jonin [23:40] * Kiara^ been to that site [23:41] <Jonin01> lol [23:41] <Scott-BeRightBack> Ok where is the chat kombat? [23:41] *** Scott-BeRightBack is now known as Scott-MK5org [23:41] <]{0MBAT> http://www.geocities.com/halcyon-dreams/vchat.html [23:42] <Rich_Divizio> Now what? [23:42] <Rich_Divizio> my volume settings are good [23:42] <]{0MBAT> are you in there? [23:43] <Jonin01> you can test it and stuff Rich, there's a configuration section [23:43] <]{0MBAT> this kick ass [23:43] <]{0MBAT> isnt this a great idea I had? [23:44] <]{0MBAT> lool [23:44] <Kiara^> this is cool :) [23:44] <Kiara^> lucky scott was here to see it [23:50] *** Quits: Snowflakes (royalty@ (Ping Timeout) [23:58] *** Rose_Antonio is now known as Rose_BRB [23:59] *** Quits: Albert_AMKD (webmaster@12.128.178.Po39=) (Connection reset by peer) [00:00] *** Parts: Kiara^ (KillMeNow@=vkt1-hif9.akl.ihug.co.nz) [00:02] *** Joins: DCfan1 (CN0037925@=KL1Qgds33.tnt3.new-york.ny.da.uu.net) [00:02] <DCfan1> hello?? [00:03] <DCfan1> Oh well, guess no ones here! [00:03] *** Quits: DCfan1 (CN0037925@=KL1Qgds33.tnt3.new-york.ny.da.uu.net) (QUIT: User exited) [00:03] <Scott-MK5org> No [00:03] <Scott-MK5org> haha [00:03] <Stealth-Ninja> Rich Divizio is [00:05] *** Joins: Albert_AMKD (webmaster@12.128.191.eF935=) [00:05] <Jonin01> lol [00:07] *** Joins: JeffJ (afn59605@=Rnrsjfyg19.afn.org) [00:08] <Scott-MK5org> Jeff! [00:08] <JeffJ> hey [00:08] <JeffJ> saw that meatloaf movie [00:08] <Scott-MK5org> Richard diviizio is in a voice chat RIGHT NOW [00:08] <Scott-MK5org> Let me give u the url [00:08] *** Joins: DArqueBishop (drkbish@=m6eszmkaxrm.net) [00:08] *** ChanServ sets mode: +v DArqueBishop [00:08] *** Stealth-Ninja sets mode: +vv Albert_AMKD JeffJ [00:08] <Scott-MK5org> http://www.geocities.com/halcyon-dreams/vchat.html [00:08] <Stealth-Ninja> Rich Divizio is one [00:08] <Stealth-Ninja> for real [00:08] <JeffJ> rich divizio? whats he doin here? [00:08] <Rose_BRB> bye everybody [00:08] <]{0MBAT> bye Rose [00:08] <Stealth-Ninja> Bye [00:08] *** Parts: Rose_BRB (Dominion2@=etan4-71.rapidnet.com) [00:09] <JeffJ> url doesn't want to open [00:10] <]{0MBAT> copy and paste, jeff [00:10] * JeffJ burns geocities [00:10] <Stealth-Ninja> heh [00:10] <JeffJ> its just slow [00:10] <JeffJ> its coming in [00:10] <JeffJ> i had that chat bookmarked [00:10] <JeffJ> damn this is slow [00:10] <JeffJ> how many people are in there [00:10] <Jonin01> loads [00:11] <Albert_AMKD> a few [00:11] <JeffJ> mfucka isn't letting me in [00:11] *** Joins: LinQueiSh (dolari@=QAmohdvbu.tmok.com) [00:12] <STEROLIZER> jeff come chat man [00:12] <LinQueiSh> Happy B-Day, Nosaj. [00:12] <Jonin01> hi linqueishatner. lol [00:12] <LinQueiSh> It's my B-Day too. [00:12] <Jonin01> :) [00:12] <LinQueiSh> ;) [00:12] *** Jonin01 sets mode: +v LinQueiSh [00:12] <DArqueBishop> Jenn... [00:12] <Jonin01> hehe [00:13] <LinQueiSh> Alas, I hav eno Sound card... [00:13] <Jonin01> aahhh! [00:13] <Jonin01> well you can go there and type a question. :-/ [00:13] <]{0MBAT> hi jenn [00:14] <LinQueiSh> Hiya! [00:14] <LinQueiSh> It's my Birthday for another 45 minutes, be nice to me. :) [00:14] <DArqueBishop> Happy b-day, Jenn. :) [00:14] <Jonin01> hehe [00:14] <Jonin01> yeah h.b'day again :) [00:15] <LinQueiSh> Hee hee. :) [00:15] * LinQueiSh is KIROK! [00:15] <Jonin01> lol [00:16] <LinQueiSh> ;) [00:16] <]{0MBAT> I thought it was Nosaj's [00:16] <Jonin01> too bad ya can't get on to hear Rich LQS [00:16] <Jonin01> it is his b'day too [00:16] <LinQueiSh> He's prolly sayin' all sotsa mean things. :) [00:16] <Jonin01> err Jases that is [00:16] <Jonin01> lol nah [00:16] <Jonin01> we tried to get him to diss Sterolizer but he wouldn't. :D [00:16] <JeffJ> ha [00:17] <LinQueiSh> ::laugh:: [00:17] <Jonin01> lol [00:17] <LinQueiSh> Hello, Rich! I'd talk to ya, but ain't got no soundcardon this 486 dinosaur. [00:17] <LinQueiSh> I miss my pentium. :) [00:17] <Jonin01> he's gonna re-shedule Jenn for here. :) [00:18] <ReppyBoy> so, Who's Rich? [00:18] <LinQueiSh> Rich is a magic elf, he lives inside your skull. [00:18] *** Joins: Kiara^ (KillMeNow@=vkt1-hif9.akl.ihug.co.nz) [00:18] *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Kiara^ [00:18] <LinQueiSh> Wait, that's me. :) [00:18] <LinQueiSh> Rich = Quan Chi/Kano/Baraka. [00:19] <ReppyBoy> Quan Chi? he's god then [00:19] <Jonin01> lol [00:20] <Kiara^> brb [00:20] <DArqueBishop> He said hi, Jenn. :) [00:20] <Jonin01> Rich says "Hi" Jenn :) [00:20] *** Parts: Kiara^ (KillMeNow@=vkt1-hif9.akl.ihug.co.nz) [00:20] *** Joins: Dolari (dolari@=tqxv618103-846.austin.rr.com) [00:20] *** Jonin01 sets mode: +v Dolari [00:21] <Dolari> LinQueiShatner! BE GONE! [00:21] *** Joins: Kiara^ (KillMeNow@=vkt1-hif9.akl.ihug.co.nz) [00:21] *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Kiara^ [00:21] <Jonin01> he's talkin about how he uses napster now jenn, and got banned but now uses it again...hehe [00:21] <LinQueiSh> If you insist... [00:21] <Jonin01> lol [00:21] *** Quits: LinQueiSh (dolari@=QAmohdvbu.tmok.com) (QUIT: User exited) [00:21] <Dolari> Napster? [00:21] <Jonin01> aww maybe he'll be back if marty makes an appearance ;D [00:21] <Jonin01> yup [00:21] <Jonin01> never heard of it Jenn? [00:21] <Dolari> Never used it myself. I use FTP ratio sites... [00:22] <Kiara^> bbl again [00:22] <Jonin01> it's for mp3 tradin [00:22] *** Parts: Kiara^ (KillMeNow@=vkt1-hif9.akl.ihug.co.nz) [00:22] <Dolari> Oh, I know about Napster, but I woldn't want someone rooting around my hard drive. [00:22] <Dolari> That's where I keep all my porn [00:22] <Jonin01> lol [00:22] <Dolari> Er...games. [00:22] <Jonin01> :D [00:23] <Jonin01> yeah...that's what i use my webspace for too Jenn...the games that is. :P [00:23] <Dolari> Speakign of which, Jonin. [00:23] <Dolari> I owe you. [00:23] <Dolari> 10 MB. [00:24] <Dolari> Of Porn. er, games. :) [00:24] <Jonin01> lol [00:24] <DArqueBishop> Hey Jenn, you ever get my email concerning the PSX copies? [00:24] <Jonin01> yeah whenever you wanna see to that is ok Jenn :) [00:24] <Jonin01> lol [00:25] <Dolari> Dark, I did, but I do'nt htink from you. [00:25] <Dolari> Did you wanna copy, too? [00:25] *** Quits: Albert_AMKD (webmaster@12.128.191.eF935=) (Ping Timeout) [00:25] <Dolari> You know what, you have a CDR? [00:26] * Jonin01 still would luv ta have the psx copy :P [00:26] <Dolari> Jonin, you gotta CDR? [00:26] <DArqueBishop> Actually, I was offering to let you burn the CD's using MY CD-R. [00:26] <Dolari> Darque, one second.... [00:26] <Jonin01> nope i don't, but my bro-in-law next door does! [00:27] <STEROLIZER> cool [00:27] <ReppyBoy> so...how's the Rich chat goin'? [00:28] <Jonin01> its goin ok [00:28] <DArqueBishop> I don't need them, but I was offering to let you use my burner in lieu of having your own. [00:28] <Dolari> Well, I wouldn't say no. :) [00:29] <Jonin01> hehe [00:29] * Jonin01 has some CDR blanks, but his bro-in-law has the actual burner :) [00:29] <DArqueBishop> I can't get them now, Jenn. This isn't my machine, and I have a file quota on this account. [00:29] <Dolari> Jonin, Darque, you have DCCs waiting. :) [00:29] <Dolari> Gotcha. [00:30] <DArqueBishop> I don't have IRC on Windows. [00:30] <Jonin01> i'm downloading the icq file now Jenn :) [00:30] <DArqueBishop> And ICQ doesn't work for some reason. [00:31] <ReppyBoy> Who played Sub-Zero, Scorpion? [00:31] <DArqueBishop> Depends on the game. [00:31] <ReppyBoy> mk1 [00:31] <Jonin01> john turk [00:31] <ReppyBoy> oh yeah [00:31] <ReppyBoy> hehe [00:31] <Dolari> MK1/MK2 = Daniel Pesina. [00:31] <Dolari> MK3/MK4 = John Turk. [00:32] <Jonin01> yeah :) [00:32] <Dolari> MK5 = Zaphood Brebrelbrox. [00:32] <DArqueBishop> Excuse me? [00:32] <Jonin01> lol [00:32] <Dolari> Sorry, not Zaphod. [00:32] <DArqueBishop> I thought it was Prostetic Vogon Jeltz. [00:33] <Dolari> In MK5, Scorpion wil lbe played by Sir Giggles von Laffsalott. [00:33] <Dolari> Or Baron Otto von Cheesebiscuit. [00:33] <Jonin01> with the secret player being Marty_Kombat [00:33] <DArqueBishop> Or my old friend Smedley Goofester. [00:33] <Jonin01> :D [00:34] <Dolari> Jim J Bullock. [00:34] <Jonin01> lol [00:34] <Dolari> Shao Khan will be played by Big McLargeHuge. [00:34] * Jonin01 slaps a large trout around a bit with STEROLIZER [00:34] <Jonin01> lol [00:36] <Jonin01> Rich was in TMNT2 as a foot soldier [00:36] <Jonin01> lol [00:36] <Dolari> I'd love to see Book of Swords.... [00:37] <Jonin01> there's a movie being made? [00:37] <Jonin01> i know there's a D&D movie being made. [00:37] *** Joins: u9u1q3z9j (MKNinja@=sApdi-hjd6-21.gbis.net) [00:37] *** Quits: Stealth-Ninja (MKNinja@=Tllbh-tbv4-63.gbis.net) (Ping Timeout) [00:37] *** Joins: Albert_AMKD (webmaster@196.3.75.sq382=) [00:37] *** u9u1q3z9j is now known as Stealth-Ninja [00:37] *** Quits: Stealth-Ninja (MKNinja@=jBcts-siu2-12.gbis.net) (QUIT: User exited) [00:37] *** Joins: Stealth-Ninja (MKNinja@=1Belh-ksg7-90.gbis.net) [00:37] *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Stealth-Ninja [00:38] *** Jonin01 sets mode: +v Albert_AMKD [00:38] *** Dolari is now known as LinQueiShatner\ [00:38] *** LinQueiShatner\ is now known as LinQueiShatner [00:39] <Jonin01> lol [00:39] <LinQueiShatner> ;) [00:39] <Jonin01> hey Jenn want marty's phone number? go to infospace.com and you can find it! :D [00:40] <LinQueiShatner> No thanks. [00:40] <LinQueiShatner> Ever try to find mine? :) [00:40] <Jonin01> lol [00:40] *** Joins: Rose_Antonio (Dominion2@=zGez9-55.rapidnet.com) [00:40] <LinQueiShatner> Call Jenn at (867-5309. [00:41] <Jonin01> nope i never tried [00:41] <Jonin01> lol [00:41] <Jonin01> that yours is it? :) [00:42] <LinQueiShatner> Nope. :) [00:42] <LinQueiShatner> Try the number on my ICQ setup. [00:42] <LinQueiShatner> I dare ya. :) [00:42] <Jonin01> lol [00:42] <Jonin01> it's fake is it? :D [00:43] <LinQueiShatner> No, it's a real number. [00:43] <Rose_Antonio> back [00:43] <LinQueiShatner> Just not mine. :) [00:43] <Jonin01> ...just not yours. lol [00:43] <Jonin01> :D [00:43] *** Jonin01 sets mode: +v Rose_Antonio [00:43] <Jonin01> wb Rose :) [00:43] <Rose_Antonio> thanks jonin [00:43] <LinQueiShatner> You want to know what it is, you gotta call. :) [00:43] *** Quits: Stealth-Ninja (MKNinja@=1Belh-ksg7-90.gbis.net) (Ping Timeout) [00:44] <Jonin01> it's Bo's i bet! :D [00:44] <LinQueiShatner> Try it. [00:44] * DArqueBishop is away, 10 minute autoaway (l!on) : os/bx [00:44] <LinQueiShatner> I dares ya! [00:44] <Jonin01> you're missin out loads Jenn :( [00:45] <Jonin01> I can't while i'm online. lol just a phone connection and only one line! :) [00:45] * Jonin01 wishes he had a cable modem [00:45] <LinQueiShatner> :) [00:45] <Jonin01> :/ [00:45] * LinQueiShatner has a cablemodem, but no sound card. [00:46] * Rose_Antonio brb :) [00:46] *** Rose_Antonio is now known as Rosie_BRB [00:46] <Jonin01> lol so we're both stuck then. :) [00:46] <LinQueiShatner> (775) 727-1222. [00:46] <STEROLIZER> mo [00:46] <Jonin01> k Rose [00:46] <LinQueiShatner> Oh, a phone call! :) [00:46] <Jonin01> that's the number to call is it Jenn? :) [00:46] <Jonin01> lol [00:48] *** Rosie_BRB is now known as Rosie_Antonio [00:48] <Rosie_Antonio> back [00:49] <Jonin01> wb [00:49] <Rosie_Antonio> thanks [00:49] <Jonin01> np [00:50] <Jonin01> Rich says he sent in a videocassette of his mythologies work to the people in charge of MKC, but never got called on it. [00:50] <Jonin01> he figures they studied the tapes for the actor who did play quan [00:51] *** Joins: Stealth-Ninja (MKNinja@=Tzvqv-nzy1-49.gbis.net) [00:51] *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Stealth-Ninja [00:57] *** Joins: MKJohn (Nightmare@=sqh282928-w.sttln1.wa.home.com) [00:57] *** Jonin01 is now known as LinKueizy [00:57] *** LinKueizy sets mode: +v MKJohn [00:57] <DArqueBishop> MKJohn, we're on an voice chat w/ Rich Divizio. [00:58] <STEROLIZER> ya come see [00:58] <MKJohn> NO WAY!!! [00:58] <STEROLIZER> ya man [00:58] <STEROLIZER> it's bad [00:58] <MKJohn> hi albert... u know me! you made my logo! [00:58] <LinKueizy> yup we are MKJohn [00:58] <STEROLIZER> http://www.geocities.com/halcyon-dreams/vchat.html [00:58] <Albert_AMKD> yeah John [00:59] <Albert_AMKD> how are you man? [00:59] <MKJohn> pretty good and yourself? [00:59] *** Joins: Pimp_Master (TRIGGA@=XZmfbpfr-901.245.70.231.LosAngeles1.Level3.net) [00:59] *** ChanServ sets mode: +v Pimp_Master [00:59] <Albert_AMKD> kind of good [00:59] <MKJohn> when did this start? [01:00] <LinKueizy> an hour or so ago [01:00] <Albert_AMKD> are you still scheduled to release MKN to August 8? [01:00] <Pimp_Master> sup all [01:00] <LinKueizy> hi pimp [01:01] <MKJohn> well... mkn may open...... EARLIER! [01:01] <Scott-MK5org> Guys were allin a voice chat with Richard Divizio at [01:01] <Scott-MK5org> http://www.geocities.com/halcyon-dreams/vchat.html [01:01] <MKJohn> August 4 or 5th! [01:01] <MKJohn> how did you get rich? [01:01] <Albert_AMKD> thats great [01:02] <Albert_AMKD> he came all alone [01:02] *** Joins: Atomic_Fire (Lord@=jXVJ92JP35.ipt.aol.com) [01:02] *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Atomic_Fire [01:02] <MKJohn> well thank god lol! [01:02] <LinKueizy> hi AF [01:02] *** Quits: Pimp_Master (TRIGGA@=XZmfbpfr-901.245.70.231.LosAngeles1.Level3.net) (QUIT: User exited) [01:02] <Albert_AMKD> he's at the voice chat [01:02] <Atomic_Fire> hi guys [01:02] <Albert_AMKD> very interesting there [01:02] <MKJohn> hold on... why inst he an op? [01:03] <Scott-MK5org> Cuz we cant op anyone lol [01:03] <Albert_AMKD> TRMK, you staff, lol, is there [01:03] <Atomic_Fire> who is Albert? [01:03] <Albert_AMKD> 'cause just Jason can op people, and his not here [01:03] <MKJohn> albert is a gee :) [01:03] <Albert_AMKD> thanx [01:03] <MKJohn> why isnt rich sayin anything? [01:04] <Albert_AMKD> his at voice chat! [01:04] <Albert_AMKD> that is why [01:04] <Albert_AMKD> lol [01:04] <MKJohn> i dont have voice chat... :( [01:04] <Albert_AMKD> http://www.geocities.com/halcyon-dreams/vchat.html [01:04] <Albert_AMKD> go there and hear [01:04] <Albert_AMKD> speak if have microphone [01:05] <Albert_AMKD> or just type like in here [01:05] *** Joins: Nosaj-Samoht (webmaster@=FPirv-77-18.jacksonville.net) [01:05] *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Nosaj-Samoht [01:05] <]{0MBAT> nosaj [01:05] <]{0MBAT> http://www.geocities.com/halcyon-dreams/vchat.html [01:05] <]{0MBAT> Rich Divizio is in there [01:05] <Nosaj-Samoht> I am coming [01:05] <Albert_AMKD> Jason: op Rich [01:05] <ReppyBoy> what kind of internet connection does Rich have? [01:05] <LinKueizy> he is Jase [01:05] <Stealth-Ninja> ok [01:05] <Stealth-Ninja> come [01:06] <Scott-MK5org> Nosaj! [01:06] *** Joins: APN (noware@ [01:06] <Scott-MK5org> We've been talking to Rich forever [01:06] <Albert_AMKD> hehe [01:06] <Atomic_Fire> lol [01:06] <MKJohn> dammit i dont have windows :( i have a mac 2X :( [01:06] <LinQueiShatner> (775) 727-1222. I dares ya. [01:06] <LinQueiShatner> <--Back. [01:06] <Albert_AMKD> ah? [01:06] <Albert_AMKD> sorry to yet [01:07] <MKJohn> please rich come in here!! [01:07] <LinQueiShatner> Nosaj, Happy B-Day! [01:07] <LinKueizy> wb! [01:07] <Albert_AMKD> :( [01:07] *** Joins: Standards (mfar85511@=1Fyf523-134-57-347.ts.indy.net) [01:07] * LinQueiShatner just had her B-day. [01:07] <LinKueizy> he's in voicechat enn :) [01:07] <Albert_AMKD> Ah yeah; happy b to you Jason [01:07] <LinKueizy> Jenn even [01:07] *** Atomic_Fire sets mode: +v Standards [01:07] <MKJohn> can rich kome to this normal chat instead of voice? [01:07] *** Quits: Stealth-Ninja (MKNinja@=Tzvqv-nzy1-49.gbis.net) (Connection reset by peer) [01:08] <Albert_AMKD> heheh [01:08] *** Joins: Stealth-Ninja (MKNinja@=qfmxc-itx5-50.gbis.net) [01:08] *** LinKueizy sets mode: +v APN [01:08] *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Stealth-Ninja [01:08] <MKJohn> I HATE MACS!!! [01:08] <Albert_AMKD> actually; Rich is in here, but it is not [01:08] <Albert_AMKD> chage to PC [01:09] <Albert_AMKD> DANG [01:09] <LinKueizy> 50% done that file Jenn! [01:09] <LinQueiShatner> Yay! [01:09] <MKJohn> man... this bites!!! i wanna talk to rich! [01:09] <LinKueizy> hehe i hope that crack works [01:10] <LinQueiShatner> MKJohn, you can talk to me. :) [01:10] * LinKueizy bites MKJohn [01:10] <LinQueiShatner> LinQueiZy, is it hte old Anti-CD-Rom Crack? If it is, it hsould work. [01:10] <MKJohn> lol at the LinKuei "warriors" :) [01:10] <Albert_AMKD> Hate that voice chat, but gotta be in there again in order to say something at AMKD... [01:10] <LinQueiShatner> mkjohn, i am a liquei warrior [01:10] <LinQueiShatner> make no doubt [01:10] <LinQueiShatner> me and damnacientfalls. [01:10] <MKJohn> albert how is voice chat? whats he been saying? [01:11] <LinQueiShatner> i am your worst nitemare [01:11] <MKJohn> are you with marty lol? [01:11] <LinQueiShatner> visit my website [01:11] <LinQueiShatner> http://www.linqueishatner.com [01:11] <LinQueiShatner> ;) [01:11] <Albert_AMKD> NOTHING important at all [01:11] <LinKueizy> i dunno L.Q.Shatner [01:11] <LinQueiShatner> I AM KIROK! [01:11] <Albert_AMKD> "I did a motion for MK4" and so on [01:11] <LinKueizy> lol [01:11] <MKJohn> whats he talking bout? mk or just stuff? [01:11] <DArqueBishop> Okay, I'm off to bd. Later. [01:11] <LinKueizy> both [01:12] *** Quits: DArqueBishop (drkbish@=m6eszmkaxrm.net) (QUIT: User exited) [01:12] <LinQueiShatner> Night, D'arque! [01:12] *** Parts: Rich_Divizio (MK5org@157.238.74.e0012=) |