The Kombat Pavilion

September 19, 2009
MK Comic & Animations

Let's start with the comics:
Next, check out all these animations:

So in addition to the comic authors, the following animators also deserve a shout-out: 555eden33, Baizerker, conthekid, DECEPTIONz187, DegaisterStudio, Destiny-Thief, Devilhater, DrodJenkins, Enegue, Evilpizza, GundamPanda (who won a contest on Cracked! with his animation), Hooksword, Jironobou, Kamionero, LifeInSucksville, loopas, LordZim, Mortis5000, Nadjib-25, Neo-Fusion, NitroLizzard, Nose-Army, PantyWipe, Random-Her03, R1665, Skater007, SS4FlameAlchemist, Tyrantshredd, Victor Fiori, wladodragovic, and Yeury for their creations.

September 17, 2009

Hey, just thought I'd make a quick announcement, to let you all know that there is an official "Kombat Pavilion" Twitter page. So, follow the link below to follow me on Twitter:

See ya there!