The Hollywood movie star Johnny Cage is more concerned with flash than with substance. Even with this lack of discipline, his moves are still quite effective. Although Johnny Cage chooses fighting styles that offer the best screen presence, you must learn them to round out your training.
One of the classic Hollywood fighting styles is Karate.
Lunge Punch
Knife-Hand Chop
Front Thrust Kick
Side Thrust Kick
Side Elbow Strike
Johnny Cage first used Karate in his 1998 film, 24 KARATE GOLD, in which he played a Secret Service agent.
Try some of these high attacks he used in the movie.
Knife Hammer Strike
A crowd pleaser in the movie was his Knife Hammer Strike. This move allowed him to pop an opponent into the air long enough to execute another attack. Try attacking your opponent with the Knife Hammer Strike while using the Karate style.
Try attacking your opponent with the Knife Hammer Strike and, while he is still in the air, attack him 2 more times with the Knife Hammer Strike.
Cutting Kick
The Cutting Kick is a 3D attack. Johnny Cage used it to catch a charging bad guy off guard. Attack your opponent with a few Cutting Kicks.
Flip Kick
Most impressive. Johnny Cage's Flip Kick works well against a jumping opponent. Try attacking your opponent with Johnny Cage's Flipick while using the Karate style.
Flip Kick
Johnny Cage can execute his Flip Kick a second time while he is still in the air. You should only perform a second Flip Kick if the first one connected successfully. If you miss or your opponent blocks it, you will be defenseless as you drop to the ground.
See if you can complete a Double Flip Kick on your opponent while using the Karate style.
Low Hook Punch
Low Palm Strike
Low Jabbing Punch
Low Kick
Leg Sweep
Excellent. You are learning quickly. Let us move on to the Karate low attacks. These attacks are quite effective, however they do not have much reach. Johnny Cage uses Karate low attacks in close proximity to his opponent.
Now it is your turn. Hit your opponent with Karate low attacks.
While using the Karate fighting style, Johnny Cage can Shove a blocking opponent. This move is useful to push a blocking opponent away from you.
Shove your blocking opponent away from you 5 times. Incorrect. Perhaps you need more study. If you need to look at Johnny Cage's moves, pause the game and go to the Moves List menu. Another more flashy fighting style is Jeet Kune Do.
Leading Straight Punch
Duck n Jab
Stepping Snapkick
Side Kick to Face
High Hooking Kick
Johnny Cage used Jeet Kune Do in his first film, NINJA MIME. The movie was a flop in the US, but a huge success in France. Try executing some of these Jeet Kune Do high attacks that he used in the movie.
Knuckle Fist
A memorable scene in NINJA MIME entailed Johnny Cage using his Knuckle Fist pop-up ... silently... against a very rude man. This move allowed him to pop his opponent into the air long enough to execute another attack.
Try attacking your opponent with the Knuckle Fist pop-up while using the Jeet Kune Do style.
Try attacking your opponent with the Knuckle Fist pop-up and, while he is still in the air, attack him 2 more times with the Knuckle Fist pop-up.
Hook Fist
Low Knuckle Fist
Low Punch
Side Kick to Knee
Low Kick
Sweeping Kick
Excellent. You are learning quickly. Let us move on to the Jeet Kune Do low attacks. These attacks are quite effective, however they do not have much reach. Johnny Cage uses Jeet Kune Do low attacks in close proximity to his opponent.
Now it is your turn. Attack your opponent with Jeet Kune Do low attacks.
While in the Jeet Kune Do fighting style, Johnny Cage can Taunt his opponent. This move is not only intimidating, but it also rejuvenates some of Johnny Cage's health.
Try executing 2 successful Taunts to regain full health.
You do not seem to be paying attention. Perhaps you need more study. If you need to look at Johnny Cage's moves, pause the game and go to the Moves List menu. Now for your weapon training. You will train with the Nunchaku.
Reverse Shoulder Swing
Overhand Strike
Stepping Cross Swing
Underhand Strike
Rising Swing
Double Thrust Strike
Side Kick
Roundhouse Kick
The Nunchaku is a close kombat weapon based fighting style that relies heavily on the high frequency of its attacks.
Johnny Cage first used the Nunchaku in his Oscar winning film, HWAAAAA!! Johnny played the villain opposite the great Channie Jack of Hong Kong theater. Execute some of these high attacks he used against Channie.
Cross Back Strike
In the final battle of the movie, Johnny Cage used his Nunchaku pop-up attack he calls the Cross Back Strike. This move allowed him to pop an opponent into the air long enough to execute another attack. Try attacking your opponent with the Cross Back Strike while using the Nunchaku style.
Try attacking your opponent with the Cross Back Strike and, while he is still in the air, attack him 2 more times with the Cross Back Strike.
Bottom Swing
Low Knee Strike
Low Foot Strike
Low Circular Swing
Excellent. You are learning quickly. Let us move on to the Nunchaku low attacks. Although these attacks are quite effective, like the Karate low attacks, they do not have much reach. Johnny Cage uses Nunchaku low attacks in close proximity to his opponent.
Now it is your turn. Hit your opponent with Nunchaku low attacks.
Perhaps you did not eat your KAN-Os this morning. Or... perhaps you need more study. If you need to look at Johnny Cage's moves, pause the game and go to the Moves List menu. You have exceptional talent. Let us see how you handle Johnny Cage's attack combinations.
Bone Breaker
Smash Tv
Big Blast
Closing Credits
Chopping Hands
In the Karate fighting style, Johnny Cage can link multiple attacks together to create an onslaught of damage to his opponent. You too must learn these combos if you wish to further your training. This first set is a sample from Johnny's 1989 classic, EXITING THE DRAGON OF DEATH.
Cutting hands
The Foot Sword
Excellent! You have mastered the first set of Johnny Cage's combos. Let us now begin a set from his appearance on the TV series WU SHU where Johnny played a martial arts cowboy in search of inner peace.
Out Take
In the climactic fight scene of WU SHU, Johnny Cage's character, Jesse Wong, used a Style Branch combo called the Out Take. In this combo, Johnny started with two Karate attacks, changed to Jeet Kune Do style, and finished with a Jeet Kune Do attack.
You must now master the Out Take combo. You would not even last as Key Grip on one of Johnny's movies with such a lack of concentration. Perhaps you need more study. If you need to look at Johnny Cage's moves, pause the game and go to the Moves List menu. Quite exceptional! Now let us see how you handle Johnny Cage's Jeet Kune Do and Nunchaku attack combinations.
Straight Blast
Johnny Cage only knows a few combos in the Jeet Kune Do fighting style. Let us start with them.
Johnny Cage uses the Sticky Legs and the Outer Gate combos to keep his opponent guessing. Each one starts the same, but one ends in a high kick and the other ends in a sweep move. Let us see how quickly you can master the Sticky Legs and Outer Gate combos.
Start in Jeet Kune Do
Runner Up
Most impressive. Your skills are indeed improving. Now you shall move on to another Style Branch combo. In his movie, WHO'S THAT?, Johnny Cage played a lone security guard in a department store. In one sequence, he used his Runner Up combo to deal with some punk teenagers. The combo starts in the Jeet Kune Do fighting style and ends in the Nunchaku fighting style.
You must now perform the Runner Up combo. Start with the Jeet Kune Do fighting style.
Flowing Strikes
Gentle Spirit
Living Legend
Impressive! Perhaps your destiny lies in Hollywood. Let us move on to some Nunchaku combination attacks Johnny Cage has used in other movies.
I am beginning to doubt that you have what it takes. But perhaps what you need is more study. If you need to look at Johnny Cage's moves, pause the game and go to the Moves List menu. You have successfully proven your mastery of Johnny Cage's fighting styles. In your next lessons you will learn his special attacks.
Johnny Uppercut
Johnny Cage has reworked his classic Johnny Uppercut move. It is not only an effective anti-air attack, but it also allows him to slide under projectiles and some high attacks.
You must now attack your opponent with 3 Johnny Uppercuts.
Johnny Uppercut
That was most excellent. Now for a real challenge. Attack your opponent with 6 Johnny Uppercuts. Keep in mind that you can use it to slide underneath projectiles. Do not be intimidated by Drahmin's foul appearance. Remember, to perform the Johnny Uppercut, you must press away from your opponent while pressing the special function button. Very well done. Next you will practice Johnny Cage's projectile attack.
In 1991, Johnny Cage was a contestant on the hit game show, Celebrity Smash TV. In the final round, he threw his Forceball at Mutoid Man and won the game. Johnny Cage donated all his prize money to charity.
The Cage Forceball works well against opponents who persistently stay out of attack range. You must now attack your opponent with 6 Forceballs as he tries to back away from you.
That was most excellent. Now for a real challenge. Attack an AGGRESSIVE opponent with 6 Forceballs. That is not exactly correct. Remember, to perform the Forceball you must press down, then quickly away from your opponent while pressing the [button]. Very well done indeed! But do not let success go to your head. You may be learning Johnny Cage's fighting techniques, but you must not allow his over-confidence to control you. Breathe deeply... much better. Now you will learn Johnny Cage's famed Shadow Kick.
Shadow Kick
Johnny Cage uses his Shadow Kick as a fast, medium-range attack to counter his opponent's missed attacks. You must now attack your opponent with 4 Shadow Kicks.
Shadow Kick
That was most excellent! Now for a real challenge. Dodge your opponent's projectile and counter with a Shadow Kick. Repeat this move 3 times.
Shadow Kick
You are getting good at this! Now see how you fare against an AGGRESSIVE opponent. Attack him with 4 Shadow Kicks.
It is the flies, is it not? Pretend they do not exist. Remember, to perform the Shadow Kick you must pressaway from your opponent, then quickly towards him while pressing the = button. You are indeed a warrior worthy of a made-for-TV movie. But you are not finished yet. You must now learn some of Johnny Cage's more flashy combos.
Start in Karate
For your next test, you must perform Johnny Cage's Out Take style change combo followed by a Shadow Kick while your opponent is in the air. Jeet Kune Do
That was most excellent! Now for a similar challenge. You must perform Johnny Cage's Runner Up style change combo followed by a Shadow Kick while your opponent is in the air. You have come so far! You must not quit now! Perhaps you need more practice. Most impressive! You have learned much through your journey. You have mastered many fighting styles and beaten many opponents. But there is one opponent you still need to confront...
It is one thing to defeat a foe that does not share your thoughts. It is a completely different situation when confronting a foe that can anticipate your every move. Your final test will be to face a mirror image of Johnny Cage. If you can win 3 out of 5 matches, you will have completed your training. Good Luck.
Win 3 out of 5 matches in a duel to the death. That performance receives a thumbs down. You must learn to perform all of Johnny Cage's attacks as well as defend against all of Johnny Cage's attacks. Congratulations! You have finished your training! This journey is complete. But the road to your destiny is long traveled, and there is always more to learn. |