The ninja spectre Scorpion utilizes the forces of the Netherealm to kombat his foes. Although he takes no sides in the battle against the Deadly Alliance, his primary goal is to destroy the sorcerer Quan Chi for slaying his family and clan. Scorpion is nearly unstoppable and will not rest until he has exacted his revenge. There is much to be learned from his unrelenting determination. The first of Scorpion's styles you must learn is Hapkido.
Back Hand Strike
Face Strike
Axe Kick
Snap Kick
Backside Kick
Hapkido has a mix of both powerful and quick attacks. Try a few of these attacks against Scorpion's old nemesis, Sub-Zero.
Front Thrust Kick
A useful Hapkido attack called the Front Thrust Kick, allows Scorpion to pop his opponent into the air long enough to execute another attack.
Try attacking Sub-Zero with the Front Thrust Kick, and while he is still in the air, attack him 2 more times with the Front Thrust Kicks.
Knee Knockdown
Hop Sweep
Back Sweep
Front Sweep
Excellent. You are learning quickly. Let us move on to the Hapkido low attacks and sweeps. These attacks keep your opponent on the defensive.
While in the Hapkido fighting style, Scorpion can Taunt his opponent. This move is not only intimidating, but it also rejuvenates some of Scorpion's health.
Try executing 2 successful Taunts to regain full health.
Your attention seems to be elsewhere. Perhaps you need more study. If you need to look at Scorpion's moves, pause the game and go to the Moves List menu. You have successfully proven your mastery of Scorpion's Hapkido fighting style. Your next lesson will be to learn another of his martial arts fighting styles.
Ridge Hand
Stepping Heel Kick
Knife Hand Chop
Double Knife Hand Chop
Wing Chop
You will now begin training with Scorpion's basic Pi Gua attacks.
Chest Strike
Low Heel Kick
Low Knife Hand Strike
Spear Hand Sweep
Scorpion's Pi Gua fighting style utilizes fast and tricky low attacks. He uses them to keep his opponent on the defensive. Try attacking Quan Chi with Pi Gua's low attacks.
While using the Pi Gua fighting style, Scorpion can Shove a blocking opponent. He uses this move to push a blocking opponent away.
Shove your blocking opponent away from you 5 times. Perhaps you are not as skilled a warrior as you thought. Or, perhaps you need more study. If you need to look at Scorpion's moves, pause the game and go to the Moves List menu. Excellent! Your training in the art of Pi Gua is complete! Let us move on to Scorpion's weapon style, the Ninja Sword.
Crescent Blade Strike
Reverse Stab
Charging Slash
Upward Slash
Sweeping Blade
Edge Slash
Piercing Blade
Scorpion's Ninja Sword fighting style utilizes speed and reach. Try attacking your opponent with Scorpion's Ninja Sword high attacks.
Rising Slash
A very useful Ninja Sword attack is the Rising Slash. This move allows Scorpion to pop his opponent into the air long enough to execute another attack.
Try attacking your opponent with the Rising Slash and, while he is still in the air, attack him 2 more times with the Rising Slash.
Sidestep Swing
Very impressive! Now you must learn a more strategic move, the Sidestep Swing. This quick jump to the side, followed by a sword slash, has a very good chance of hitting an opponent while he is in the middle of an offensive attack.
Execute a Sidestep Swing 5 times successfully against your opponent.
Perhaps you are feeling ill. Or perhaps you need more study. If you need to look at Scorpion's moves, pause the game and go to the Moves List menu. Very well done! Now you must learn attack combinations. Utilizing combos will greatly increase the damage done to your opponent.
Flowing Water
Inner Power
You will begin your lesson with Hapkido basic combos.
Burning Soul
Some combos in Scorpion's Hapkido fighting style end in a pop-up. This pops his opponent into the air long enough for him to execute another attack. Now you must execute these combos that end in a pop-up... flawlessly.
You have learned the first part of this lesson. Now you must learn to attack your opponent while he is still in the air. Use a pop-up combo and, while Quan Chi is still in the air, hit him again.
Sinking Leaf
Very impressive! Scorpion also has a low combo that starts with a low hit and then sweep kicks his opponent. You may begin Scorpion's sweep combo.
Lethal Legs
In order to break free from Drahmin and Moloch, Scorpion executed a Hapkido combo that pushed the two Oni away from him. He then chased after Quan Chi to prevent him from escaping the Netherealm. You must learn these combos as well.
Has your time spent in the Netherealm not strengthened you? Perhaps you merely need more study. If you need to look at Scorpion's moves, pause the game and go to the Moves List menu. You are close to mastering the fighting skills of a tortured spectre! Now you must learn the attack combinations using Scorpion's Pi Gua and Ninja Sword fighting styles.
Stone Breaker
Falling Tree
Rushing Ridge hand
Scorpion's Pi Gua fighting style is based on single solid hits, but it has a few combos to round it out. Begin the Pi Gua combo lesson.
Moon Strike
Turning Dragon
I am most proud of you. Next you will learn Scorpion's combo attacks in the Ninja Sword fighting style.
Rising Dragon
Demon Slice
Edge of Pain
You have learned basic Ninja Sword combos well. Now you will master some more advanced combo attacks. Execute these Ninja Sword combos.
Very impressive! Now you must take it a step further. You must use the Ninja Sword pop-up combos you have already learned and then attack with any Ninja Sword swing to juggle Sub-Zero before he lands on the ground.
Are you out of breath? Would a back rub suit you well? You will receive no such pleasantries here! Begin again! You will now peer into a world unknown to mortals! You will learn the special moves of a Hellspawn spectre. Scorpion's Backflip Kick is used to prevent an opponent from approaching. It also works well as an anti-air attack.
Backflip Kick
Attack Sub-Zero with Scorpion's Backflip Kick 4 times.
I'm afraid that is not good enough. Remember, in order to perform Scorpion's Backflip Kick, press towards your opponent and then quickly away from him while pressing the [button].
Backflip Kick
Very impressive! Now you must take it a step further. Sub-Zero will not be so accommodating this time. Attack him with the Backflip Kick 4 times.
You must continue. You have mastered the first of Scorpion's special attacks. It is time you learned yet another.
Although Scorpion's Summon Hellfire special attack is useful against defensive or blocking opponents, it can be dodged and leaves him vulnerable to attack.
Summon Hellfire
Melt Sub-Zero with Scorpion's Summon Hellfire attack.
You must learn to feel Scorpion's rage. Remember, in order to perform Scorpion's Summon Hellfire, first press the down and then quickly away from your opponent while pressing the [button]. Now for Scorpion's trademark attack... the Spear.
Scorpion can hurl a roped spear across the arena to impale his opponent and pull him closer for a free unblockable hit. That hit can be whatever attack he chooses, but it is most effective when it is the first strike in a combo.
Catch Shang Tsung twice with Scorpion's spear.
Your aim must be off. Remember, in order to perform Scorpion's Spear attack, first press the away from the opponent and then quickly towards him while pressing the [button].
That must have been most painful for Shang Tsung. But not as painful as your next lesson will prove to be. Now impale him with Scorpion's Spear and when he is standing near you stunned, execute a Backflip Kick attack as your unblockable free move. You must pass this test. Remember, in order to perform Scorpion's Spear attack, first press the away from the opponent and then quickly towards him while pressing the [button].
That will most likely leave a mark. This, however, will leave some charring. Impale Shang Tsung with Scorpion's spear and, while he is standing near you stunned, execute a Front Thrust Kick in the Hapkido style as your unblockable free move, followed by the Summon Hellfire before he hits the ground.
I grow impatient with your whining. Pass this test, or be cast back to the Netherealm! Remember, in order to perform Scorpion's Spear attack, first press the away from the opponent and then quickly towards him while pressing the [button]. You have already mastered some of Scorpion's basic combos. You must now expand upon that training by learning his Style Branch combination attacks. Start in Hapkido
First you will learn a Style Branch combo that begins with Scorpion's Hapkido style and then goes into his Pi Gua style.
Start in Hapkido
Next you will execute a Style Branch combo that starts in the Hapkido style, goes into the Pi Gua style, and then continues with 2 more hits, while still in the Pi Gua style.
Start in Hapkido
Now try the same Style Branch combo starting from the Hapkido style, going into the Pi Gua style, and then continuing with 2 more hits ending in the Ridge Hand high chop move in the Pi Gua style. Start in Pi Gua
Now execute a Style Branch combo that begins in Scorpion's Pi Gua style and goes into his Ninja Sword fighting style.
Start in Pi Gua
Next you will execute a Style Branch combo that starts in the Pi Gua style, goes into the Ninja Sword style, and then continues with the Rising Slash pop up move in the Ninja Sword style. Start in Pi Gua
Next you will execute a Style Branch combo that starts in the Pi Gua style, goes into the Ninja Sword style, and then continues with three more hits while still in the Ninja Sword style.
I tire of your incessant complaining. Pass this test or Sub-Zero will really give you something to complain about! Most impressive! You have learned much through your journey. You have mastered many fighting styles and beaten many opponents. But there is one opponent you still need to confront...
It is one thing to defeat a foe that does not share your thoughts. It is a completely different situation when confronting a foe that can anticipate your every move. Your final test will be to face a mirror image of Scorpion. If you can win 3 out of 5 matches, you will have completed your training. Good Luck.
Win 3 out of 5 matches in a duel to the death.
You failed. You have to learn to perform all of Scorpion's attacks and also defend against Scorpion's attacks if you plan on being victorious.
Congratulations! You have finished your training! This journey is complete. But the road to your destiny is long traveled, and there is always more to learn. |