The warrior known as Reptile has grown much stronger and more primal since his first appearance in the tournament. His physical appearance has morphed into something more animal than man. Like Reptile, you must connect with your instincts if you wish to complete this journey.
Hung Gar, or 'Tiger Fist', is the merging of Southern Shaolin fighting styles of Chinese kung fu. It is based on the movements of animals, such as the tiger and the crane.
Scratching Claw
Chameleon Palm
Dual Claw Strike
Lizard Smash
Low Snap Kick
Spinning Roundhouse Kick
During the invasion of Earthrealm, Reptile had been ordered by his master Shao Kahn to assassinate Princess Kitana. The style he attacked with was Hung Gar.
Attack Kitana with Reptile's basic Hung Gar moves.
Double Claw Strike
A very effective Hung Gar attack used by Reptile is his Double Claw Strike. Attack Kitana with the Double Claw Strike 3 times.
Low Paw Attack
Low Claw Strile
Forward Strike
Mid Roundhouse Kick
Excellent. Now strike Kitana with Reptile's Hung Gar low attacks.
Kitana is resisting your attack! While in his Hung Gar fighting style, Reptile can break her block as well as push her away by executing a Shove.
Break Kitana's block with Reptile's Shove move 5 times. Your low body temperature has made you sluggish. Sun yourself on a rock, and begin again when you have regained your optimal body temperature. After Shao Kahn's defeat in Earthrealm, Reptile returned to Outworld to protect his master. His main duty has been to seek and destroy any possible threats to Shao Kahn's rule. Reptile has slain many would-be rulers before they had a chance to gain momentum against the Emperor. The latest threat to Shao Kahn is the united forces of Princess Kitana and Prince Goro. The weakened Emperor has ordered Reptile to deliver a message to the sorcerer Shang Tsung. The Emperor demanded the sorcerer's services in defending against Edenia and the Shokan. At first, Shang Tsung did not recognize Reptile. It had been some time since he had seen him, and Reptile had changed much in appearance.
Upward Elbow Strike
Spinning Elbow Strike
Ridge Hand Swipe
Dual Uppercut
Spinning Back Kick
Mid Hook Kick
Shang Tsung's body language is one of aggression. Use Reptile's primal reflexes to attack him first with these Crab basic attacks.
Upward Elbow Strike
Spinning Elbow Strike
Ridge Hand Swipe
Dual Uppercut
Spinning Back Kick
Mid Hook Kick
Shang Tsung is defending himself against your attack. Spring into action! Do not hesitate to bring him down if you must.
Low Punch
Low Dual Uppercut
Low Snap Punch
Low Hook Kick
Shang Tsung will not expect these Crab low attacks.
The mammal is smarter than you thought. He is now anticipating your Crab low attacks.
Reptile's primal reflexes give him the ability to intercept an attack to immobilize his opponents. This move is called a Reversal. Counter 3 of Shang Tsung's attacks with Reptile's Reversal move.
You can defeat this mammal. His teeth are small. Eventually, Shang Tsung began to recognize Reptile's fighting moves, and ceased his aggressive posture. Reptile calmed down and delivered Shao Kahn's orders. Shang Tsung was to report to the emperor's palace fortress immediately. His duty fulfilled, Reptile departed to return to his master's side. Shortly after leaving, his keen senses picked up the scent of blood and the sound of battle coming from Shang Tsung's residence.
He raced back to that location to find the sorcerer Quan Chi standing before Shang Tsung. His keen hearing picked up their conversation. They were planning an assassination of his master, Shao Kahn. Angry acidic drool seethed from between Reptile's teeth to the ground below...
Acid Spit
Reptile's saliva has long been feared by his enemies. Its corrosive properties make for a most formidable weapon. As a long-distance attack, Reptile can spit this acid at his opponent. He imagined covering the sorcerers in the substance...
Spit at Quan Chi 3 times with this acidic drool before time runs out.
Release your anger! Fling the foul substance at Quan Chi.
Acid Spit
Reptile's anger was all-consuming, and he imagined himself in a heated battle with the pasty sorcerer.
Hit Quan Chi 3 more times with Reptile's Acid Spit. Reptile knew he was no match for both sorcerers at once. He decided he could best serve his master Shao Kahn if he could warn him of the impending attack. As he made his way to Shao Kahn's Fortress, he was intercepted by a vampire woman brandishing a weapon that seemed vaguely familiar. The weapon was a Kirehashi... an ancient weapon of Reptile's extinct race. The vampire called herself Nitara, and offered the weapon to him as an offering of friendship. With a hiss, Reptile ripped the sword from her hands and began swinging it at imaginary foes.
Blade Chop
Downward Slash
Circular Swing
The Cutter
Side Slash
Spinning Slash
Upward Slash
Mid Lunge
Blade Smash
Imagine practicing Reptile's Kirehashi basic attacks on this strange vampire woman.
Blade Chop
Downward Slash
Circular Swing
The Cutter
Side Slash
Spinning Slash
Upward Slash
Mid Lunge
Blade Smash
Nitara did not understand why Reptile was swinging his blade at her. She defended herself.
Low Lunge
Low Poke
Spinning Blade
Low Swipe
Reptile's imagination ran wild with the attack possibilities this new weapon presented. He tried attacking low.
Low Lunge
Low Poke
Spinning Blade
Low Swipe
Nitara continued to defend herself, not understanding the reason for Reptile's unwarranted attacks.
Reptile fantasized impaling Nitara with the Kirehashi Blade. He imagined the blood spewing from the open wound. Impale Nitara with Reptile's Kirehashi Blade.
Let your imagination run wild! Attack Nitara with the Kirehashi Blade. Reptile snapped out of his kombative trance and stopped his attack on Nitara. He accepted her gift of the ancient Raptor weapon readily. Nitara's presence had a soothing effect on Reptile. She claimed to have information that would help his master Shao Kahn in the battle with Kitana's forces. Reptile knew he could trust her. He could sense no deceit.
Nitara led Reptile across the plains of Outworld to the hidden location of Kitana's military encampment. If Reptile could get this information to Shao Kahn, the Emperor could send Kano's troops to smash them in a surprise attack. He had to get back to Shao Kahn immediately.
Lizard Ball
Reptile can travel vast distances quickly by curling up and rolling. In his zeal to help his master, he zipped back and forth fervently, flipping Nitara into the air. Trip up Nitara with Reptile's Lizard Ball move 3 times. You are fast, but your aim is lacking.
Again, you have proven to be a quick study. But let us see how you fare in Kombat.
Nitara tried to evade Reptile's Lizard Ball as best she could, but Reptile flipped her up 3 more times before he finally left for Shao Kahn's Fortress. When Reptile finally arrived in Shao Kahn's throne room, he was devastated to find the Emperor lying dead on the floor. Judging by the smell of magic in the air, he realized that Quan Chi and Shang Tsung had already sprung their attack. He imagined the battle that had killed his master and fantasized about aiding him in battle.
Lazy Lizard
Internal Strikes
Execute these Hung Gar attack combos on the mammal, Shang Tsung.
Lazy Lizard
Internal Strikes
Shang Tsung is fighting back! Use those same combos to defeat him!
Wise Tiger
Iron Thread
Unleash your fury with these more advanced Hung Gar combos. Shang Tsung will not know what hit him.
Lazy Lizard
Internal Strikes
Wise Tiger
Iron Thread
The fight with Shang Tsung would have been epic! Attack him with the more advanced Hung Gar combos again!
It is too late to save Shao Kahn now. At least allow yourself the pleasure of imagining you had protected your master, and defeated Shang Tsung. Reptile believed that his master's death was his fault. He should have returned to the fortress much sooner. In anguish over his failure, he wandered Outworld aimlessly, until he once again came across Nitara. Feeling the need to redeem himself, he pledged his life to her service. This time, he would not fail. He would protect his new master well.
Boiling Water
Crab Crawls On Sand
Claws Of Fury
Express your anger over Shao Kahn's death by performing these Crab combos. Punish Shang Tsung!
Boiling Water
Crab Crawls On Sand
Claws Of Fury
Nitara has no idea why you continue to assault her. She has no other choice but to defend herself.
Dead End
Reptilan Slice
Pull out your Kirehashi Blade and cut down Quan Chi with these combos to help ease the pain.
Dead End
Reptilan Slice
Now Nitara is really angry. She gave you that weapon, and now you are using it against her? She will not stand for that.
Rip Tore
The emotional pain is too great! Your Kirehashi combos have become more intense!
Rip Tore
Nitara does not understand why you keep referring to her as Quan Chi or Shang Tsung. Perhaps you are hallucinating. Until she can assess the situation, she must take what you dish out!
You cannot escape the thought that you failed your master! Your anguish has reached a fevered pitch! Impale the traitor Shang Tsung with your Kirehashi Blade!! Let it all out! Cry some real crocodile tears! These combos will make you feel much better about losing your master. Fortunately for the vampire Nitara, Reptile's Kirehashi Blade was not made of wood. She pulled the weapon from her body, and tried to calm him down. However, Reptile's imagination was out of control by that time. Instead of Nitara, he now saw Kitana before him. If he had not wasted time to inspect Kitana's military encampment, he would have been in the throne room to defend his master.
Pints of blood
It's all Kitana's fault! Make her bleed! Spill 80 pints of her blood before she defeats you or you come to your senses. You must make her pay for distracting you! Spill her blood! Nitara forgave Reptile for his uncontrolled bout. Shao Kahn would have killed him for it. Nitara was indeed a master worth fighting for. Her first command was to attack an Earthrealm invader. She instructed Reptile to weaken the outsider by biting his armguard. The battle from that point on would be easy.
Start in Hung Gar
Attack the Earthrealm invader with 2 of Reptile's Style Branch combos. These combos start in the Hung Gar fighting style and go into the Crab fighting style.
Start in Crab
Reptile bit the arm of his opponent, but the damage made no difference. The invader did not seem weakened. Reptile attacked with another Style Branch combo that started with the Crab fighting style and changed into his Kirehashi Blade. Start in Hung Gar
Still, the invader would not fall. Reptile made use of all his fighting skills and executed a Style Branch combo that started with Hung Gar, changed to Crab, and finished with his Kirehashi Blade.
None of his attacks brought Nitara's enemy down. Reptile had one more attack left. He needed to impale the invader with his Kirehashi Blade.
Impale the Earthrealm invader with Reptile's Kirehashi Blade.
You must not fail your new master! Destroy the Earthrealm invader!!! Reptile hit the Earthrealm invader so hard that his ribcage burst open. Reptile paused for a moment to flex his leathery muscles in victory. But before he could belt a triumphant scream, a great monster with many teeth came whirling outward from inside his defeated foe's chest. Unable to comprehend this new danger, Reptile fled in fear.
He wandered again aimlessly, realizing that he had failed another master. He was angry with himself and let his imagination run wild. He imagined that standing before him was his true enemy...
Reptile must face himself in Mortal Kombat. Defeat the imaginary manifestation of Reptile 3 out of 5 matches in a duel to the death.
If you lose to your imaginary self, you die. This mind game is for real. Confront your inner demons.
Congratulations! You have finished your training! This journey is complete. But the road to your destiny is long traveled, and there is always more to learn. |