Kung Lao is a descendent of the first mortal to ever defeat Shang Tsung in Mortal Kombat. With the help of his fellow Shaolin monk, Liu Kang, he has protected Earthrealm from the forces of evil. But when Kung Lao discovered the dead body of Liu Kang, he had but one objective: to avenge his death and bring the murderer to justice! It was the Thunder God, Raiden, who informed Kung Lao that the sorcerer Shang Tsung had slain Liu Kang and consumed his soul.
Mantis was developed in 1600 by Wang Lang in the Ming Dynasty in Northern China. Wang Lang based this martial art on observations he made of a preying mantis fighting a cicada.
Drilling Punch
Double Mantis Strike
Power Forcing Fist
Leg Sprouting Kick
Chest Piercing Kick
The Mantis fighting style is known for its quick and accurate attacks. Strike Kano with Kung Lao's basic Mantis attacks.
Single Leg Soaring Kick
You are an excellent student. Now for your next lesson. Mantis Single Leg Soaring Kick is a pop-up hit that allows the attacker to repeatedly strike his opponent before he hits the ground.
Attack Kano with the Mantis Single Leg Soaring Kick.
Try attacking Kano with the Single Leg Soaring Kick and juggle him twice with the Single Leg Soaring Kick before he hits the ground.
Seven Star Hit
Toppling Kick
Ward Off Punch
Low Thrusting Palm
Leg Squatting Kick
Excellent. I have chosen my student well. Now you must learn the Mantis low attacks and sweeps. Use them to keep your opponent on the defensive.
Try attacking your opponent with Mantis low attacks and sweeps.
Very well done. Let us now study taunts. While in the Mantis fighting style, Kung Lao can taunt his opponent. This move will not only intimidate Kung Lao's opponents, it will rejuvenate his health as well.
Use Kung Lao's taunt to rejuvenate yourself back to full health.
You failed. It would seem that your thoughts are elsewhere. You must concentrate.
You bring honor to the Shaolin Temple. You have successfully proven your skill with Kung Lao's Mantis style. Your next lessons will be to learn another of Kung Lao's martial arts fighting styles. Kung Lao is a master of the fighting style Shaolin Fist.
Around the year 539 AD, a holy man named Ta Mo developed an exercise program for his fellow monks. The program included several Indian fighting techniques. Over time, this exercise program grew into a Kung Fu fighting style.
Roundhouse Strike
Attack The Heart
Curved Hook Punch
Backfist Strike
Front Kick
Like any great structure, fighting skill is built brick by brick. You must first learn these basic Shaolin attacks before continuing further.
Fore Knuckle Fist
A very powerful attack in Shaolin Fist is the Fore Knuckle Fist. Hit Kenshi 3 times.
Palm Heel Strike
Sweeping Blade Kick
Low Axe Palm
Low Double Backfist
Well done young master. It is now time to apply Shaolin Fist's low attacks. Use these techniques to keep your opponent on the alert.
Attack Kenshi with Kung Lao's Shaolin low attacks.
Power-Up and Attack
You are indeed worthy of a warrior's virtue. While in the Shaolin Fist fighting style, Kung Lao can perform a Neijin to power up his attacks for a short period of time.
Execute a Neijin, and strike Kenshi before time runs out.
You failed. It seems that you have not paid close enough attention to your lessons. This time, concentrate.
Excellent! Your training in the art of Shaolin Fist is complete! Let us move on to Kung Lao's weapon style, the Broadsword. Kung Lao has trained in the broadsword technique since his early teen years. You will begin your training today.
The Broadsword is known as the arm of foot soldiers and Manchurian officials. It is categorized as a short weapon and is designed for slashing rather than thrusting.
Cross Cutting Slash
Twisting Body Strike
Crushing Side Slash
Rising Slash
Half Moon Slash
First, you must learn these basic broadsword attacks...
Piercing Low Lunge
Low Stab
Spinning Low Slash
Well done. Now execute these low attacks...
Rising Slash
Rising Slash is a pop-up hit that Kung Lao uses to strike his opponent repeatedly before he hits the ground...
Hit Quan Chi with 3 Rising Slash Broadsword attacks.
Kung Lao has mastered the ability to Impale his Broadsword into an opponent to slowly drain his life force. Once lodged into an opponent, Kung Lao's blade cannot be removed.
Impale Quan Chi with Kung Lao's Broadsword...
You failed. Repetition is the mortar of the mind. Try again.
You have successfully proven your mastery of Kung Lao's fighting styles. In your next lessons you will learn Kung Lao's Special attacks.
Kung Lao realized that he could not defeat Shang Tsung without additional training. The Outworld master, Bo' Rai Cho, had taught Liu Kang the flying kick he needed to defeat the sorcerer in the past. Kung Lao eventually located Bo' Rai Cho, who agreed to train him for the battle to come.
Whirlwind Kicks
The move Bo' Rai Cho taught Kung Lao that would allow him to defeat Shang Tsung was the Whirlwind Kick. Attack Bo' Rai Cho 3 times before time runs out.
Dust yourself off and try again.
Whirlwind Kicks
Hopefully you did not hurt the old master. Now you must use all your skill to attack Bo' Rai Cho 3 times with the Whirlwind Kick before time runs out. You must now learn Kung Lao's trademark attack... his Hat Throw.
The rim on Kung Lao's hat is made of razor sharp steel. Kung Lao can throw the hat at an opponent to inflict damage from a distance.
Hat Throw
Practice Kung Lao's Hat Throw 3 times before time runs out.
You must repeat your training.
You learn quickly! Now hit Quan Chi with Kung Lao's Hat Throw 3 times before time runs out.
Very well done. Now you must learn attack combinations. Utilizing combos will greatly increase the damage done to your opponent.
Lotus Petals
Practice these Mantis combos before your time runs out. Perhaps I have chosen my pupil poorly. Repeat the lesson.
Cave Mantis
Natural Death
Five Blessings
Well done! Let us see how you fare with some more complicated combos... Excellent! Now you must expand upon your training by mastering attack combinations in the Shaolin Fist fighting style.
These next Shaolin Fist combo lessons will work similarly to the Mantis combos lessons.
Double Kicks
Shout Of Spirit
Shaolin Faith
Practice these Shaolin Fist combos before your time runs out.
You seem sluggish. You must focus your energy. Practice chips away the rough edges.
Rushing Buddha
Shaolin Beat Down
Well done! Let us see how you fare with some more complicated combos... Most impressive! You have mastered both the Mantis and the Shaolin Fist combos! Now it is time to learn the combo system for Kung Lao's weapon, the Broadsword.
Tiger Leaps Suddenly
Sharpen The Mind
Clouds Overhead
Practice these Broadsword combos before your time runs out. It seems that you have not paid close enough attention to your lessons. This time, concentrate.
Rise And Shine
Dao Strikes
Phoenix Tail
Excellent! Now you must learn some more advanced Broadsword combos. Well done! You have proven to be a master of Kung Lao's basic combos. Now you must learn to chain multiple styles together to form a longer, more powerful attack combo.
Start in Mantis
Try this combo that starts in Mantis and continues into Shaolin Fist.
Start in Mantis
Execute that combo once more, but this time add one more strike.
Start in Mantis
Now you must add some quick hits to finish the combo you have just learned.
Start in Mantis
Now try this combo that chains all 3 of Kung Lao's styles.
Impale Scorpion with Kung Lao's Broadsword...
You failed. It would seem that your thoughts are elsewhere. You must concentrate.
Most impressive! You have learned much through your journey. You have mastered many fighting styles and beaten many opponents. But there is one opponent you still need to confront.
It is one thing to defeat a foe who does not share your thoughts. It is a completely different situation when confronting a foe who can anticipate your every move. Your final test will be to face a mirror image of Kung Lao. Win 3 out of 5 matches, and you will have completed your training. Good Luck.
You must press on! You must achieve your destiny!!
Congratulations! You have finished your training! This journey is complete. But the road to your destiny is long traveled, and there is always more to learn. |