The mysterious Lin Kuei Frost has powers and abilities that closely resemble those of Sub-Zero. Her past is not known, but her moves are becoming legendary. Although she is still in training herself, she will make an excellent subject for study on this journey.
The name Tong Bei, or Tong Bei Quan, can be translated as 'Fist Of The Spreading Power From The Back'. Like Frost's mysterious history, the origin of this fighting style is unclear. Frost used Tong Bei to win the recent Lin Kuei recruiting tournament.
Cold Strike
Slapping Palm
Icy Maul
Cutting Gut Kick
Frosty Kick
Power Kick
With the former Lin Kuei member Cyrax as your sparring partner, practice the Tong Bei basic attacks that Frost used to win the tournament.
Ice Crusher
Very good. Frost's Tong Bei fighting style has 3 different pop-up attacks. These attacks allow her to pop an opponent into the air long enough to execute another attack.
This first one is called Ice Crusher.
Winter Winds
Excellent! Now you must learn another of Frost's winning pop-up attacks.
This one is called Winter Winds.
Northern Lights
Exceptional! Now you must practice Frost's final Tong Bei pop-up attack.
This last one is called Northern Lights.
The legendary warrior and Grand Master of the Lin Kuei clan, Sub-Zero, has noticed your exceptional skills. Impress him further by juggling Cyrax with a pop-up combo in Frost's Tong Bei fighting style.
You will start with the Ice Crusher, juggle him with the Winter Winds, and then juggle him again with the Northern Lights pop-up attack before he hits the ground.
Falling Strike
Low Rising Strike
Low Poke
Frozen Elbow
Thrusting Low Kick
Low Roundhouse
Corkscrew Strike
Excellent. It is no surprise that Frost was the victor of the Lin Kuei tournament. Now you must practice Frost's Tong Bei low attacks.
While in the Tong Bei style, Frost can slide herself backward. This Escape maneuver allows her to put distance between herself and her opponent.
Execute 3 successful Escapes to quickly get yourself out of harm's way. Sub-Zero is watching! You must impress him with your fighting skills if you wish to become his apprentice. Grand Master Sub-Zero was impressed with your Tong Bei fighting skills, and will now train you in the fighting art of Yuan Yang. For the remainder of your training, you will refer to him as 'Sifu'.
Yuan Yang Quan, or Mandarin Duck Fist, is a martial art rarely seen outside of China. Although not much is known about Yuan Yang as a whole, many Chinese styles have adopted its kicking methods, which were reputed to be very effective.
Open Hand Strike
Upward Strike
Dual Duck Strike
Thrusting Roundhouse
Duck Leg Strike
Strong Fist
Sifu Sub-Zero will now begin with your Yuan Yang basic training.
Open Hand Strike
Upward Strike
Dual Duck Strike
Thrusting Roundhouse
Duck Leg Strike
Strong Fist
Well done. Now Sifu will test what you have learned. Attack him with the Yuan Yang basic attacks.
You have passed your first test. Now Sifu will instruct you on the nuances of pop-up attacks. These attacks allow you to pop an opponent into the air long enough to execute another attack.
Execute the Yuan Yang Lifting Head Kick pop-up attack 3 times on Sifu.
Low Winged Strike
Grounded Duck
Tripping Strike
Sweep Kick
Most impressive. Now Sifu will instruct you as you learn the Yuan Yang low attacks.
Low Winged Strike
Grounded Duck
Tripping Strike
Sweep Kick
You will be tested once more. Execute the Yuan Yang low attacks on Sifu
Power-Up and Attack
Sifu is confident that you have mastered the basics of Yuan Yang and feels it is appropriate to school you in the technique of harnessing your Neijin. By performing a Neijin in the Yuan Yang fighting style, a warrior can greatly enhance the power of his or her strike. Perform a Neijin and strike Sifu with a powered-up Yuan Yang attack.
Do not be intimidated by the fact that you are sparring with the legendary Sub-Zero. Clear your mind and focus on the task at hand. If you need to study Frost's moves, pause the game and go to the Moves List. Sifu Sub-Zero is quite enthusiastic about your progress and will now advance your training beyond that of an average warrior. He has noticed that you possess a similar freezing ability to his own, and will train you to harness that power.
By flash-freezing water vapor, Sifu Sub-Zero can form intricate solid objects. One such object is his Kori Blade. Sifu will help you discover if you in fact possess the mental concentration to perform this effect as well.
Gut Stab
Stamping Blade
Dual Lunge
Side Kick
Pop Kick
It seems that Sifu's years of experience, and enchantment from the Dragon Medallion, allow him to form a much larger weapon than you are capable of creating. No matter. Two smaller weapons can be just as effective as one large weapon.
Attack your Sifu with these Double Dagger basic attacks.
Gut Stab
Stamping Blade
Dual Lunge
Side Kick
Pop Kick
You will now be tested. Sifu will spar with you. Attack him with the Double Dagger basic attacks you have learned.
Low Stagger
Low Strike
Low Stab
Low Chop
Low Moon Strike
You have passed the test, and will now learn low attacks with your Double Dagger.
Low Stagger
Low Strike
Low Stab
Low Chop
Low Moon Strike
Again, you will be tested. Attack Sifu with the Double Dagger low attacks you have just learned. He will defend himself this time.
Lifting Dagger
Exceptional. Sifu would like to assess your ability to perform a pop-up attack with your Double Daggers.
Perform the Lifting Daggers pop-up attack and, before Sifu hits the ground, attack with a pop-up kick.
Well done! Now for an effective, yet very tricky weapon attack called an Impale. This move lodges your weapon into your opponent's body to constantly drain life. Once you have successfully Impaled your opponent, however, you are no longer able to use that weapon. Impale Sifu with your Double Daggers. This will be the end of your basic Double Dagger training, as Sifu will need medical attention should you pass the test.
Martial arts training has no end. There is just the beginning and further growth. Try again. give_health Very well done! It seems you have the ability to control your freezing powers. Good. You will now expand your training to encompass your ability... to freeze.
Sifu Sub-Zero has dressed his wounds from your last lesson, and will continue to train you.
Ground Ice
Sifu has the ability to freeze his opponent solid. He would like to see if you have this ability as well. Freeze Sifu Sub-Zero..
Funnel your Fa Jing through your hands and try to freeze Sifu.
Do not worry. Sifu Sub-Zero will not give you the cold shoulder if you fail. This is the new Lin Kuei, after all.
Ground Ice
Most interesting! It seems your freeze attack travels along the ground! Sifu surmises that this must mean it only affects an opponent whose feet are placed upon the ground. Let us test this theory... in kombat.
Freeze Sifu Sub-Zero 3 times before time runs out. Although Sifu Sub-Zero was frozen, he was not injured in any way. He is used to the cold. What he is not used to is the speed at which you are learning to harness your freezing powers. You will now speed up your training, and learn the Icy Slide move Sifu had perfected many years ago. Sifu Sub-Zero has progressed beyond such novice moves, but he will teach you this basic maneuver. Focus your Fa Jing through your feet, and slide underneath Sifu to trip him up.
If you indeed have this ability, you should be able to execute 3 Slide moves before time runs out.
This is not the Red Dragon clan. You will not be punished for failing. Try again.
Incredible! It seems you have the gift! Now for your test. Attack Sifu with the Icy Slide 3 times before time runs out. Too much practice in one area is not good. Sifu Sub-Zero will now switch to a different lesson to better round out your training. You will study attack combinations. By combining attacks, a warrior can more effectively kombat his or her opponent.
Spring And Autumn
Practice these Tong Bei combos on Sub-Zero.
Spring And Autumn
You have learned these first combos well. Now for your test. Attack Sifu with the combos you have just learned. He will not make it easy for you.
Crazy Monkey
Excellent. Now for some more advanced combos.
Once again, you will be tested by Sifu Sub-Zero. Attack him with the combos you have just learned.
You have the good fortune of being trained by the legendary Sub-Zero. Do not pass this opportunity by. Continue with your training. Sifu Sub-Zero believes that you can handle training at a quicker pace. The next lesson will include combos from both the Yuan Yang and the Double Dagger fighting styles.
Mandarin Duck Fists
Deadly Decoy
You will begin with combos in the Yuan Yang fighting style. Begin.
Mandarin Duck Fists
Deadly Decoy
Sifu will now test you. Perform the combos you have just learned. He will be quite hard on you this time.
Very well done! Sifu Sub-Zero will now push you to your limits with these more advanced Yuan Yang combos.
Now for your Yuan Yang advanced combo test. Perform the combos you have just learned on Sifu Sub-Zero.
Cold Feet
Frozen Storm
Your Yuan Yang combo training is complete! You will now begin Double Dagger combo training. Remember to focus your Fa Jing through your hands to form the daggers themselves.
Cold Feet
Frozen Storm
Enough practice. Now for the test. Attack Sifu with the Double Dagger combos you just learned.
Well done! Now as a surprise test, Impale Sifu Sub-Zero before time runs out.
Do not get cold feet. You can complete this lesson! Indeed you are most fortunate! Your main training is complete! While Sub-Zero bandages his wounds from your surprise test, you will participate in an unofficial Trial Of Blood!
Pints of blood
The unsuspecting Sonya Blade is en route to meet with Sub-Zero. Practice all you have learned to make her bleed 50 pints of blood before she defeats you or time runs out.
Sonya thinks she is prettier than you. Who does she think she is!? Oh, it's on now! Raiden has arrived with disturbing news for Sub-Zero. The sorcerers Quan Chi and Shang Tsung have formed an alliance in Outworld. He has requested Sub-Zero's help in defeating them. If Sub-Zero accepts, your training will abruptly end. Frost must prove herself skilled enough to accompany Sub-Zero on his journey and continue her training. Start in Tong Bei
Prove that you are a skilled warrior by performing some Style Branch combos on Raiden. A Style Branch combo switches from one fighting style to the other. These start in the Tong Bei style and go into the Yuan Yang style.
From Tong Bei
Sifu Sub-Zero is pleased with your execution of those first two Style Branch combos and believes that you are skilled enough to learn 3 more.
Start in Yuan Yang
Sub-Zero is impressed that you learned to do a Style Branch combo on your own. Show him that you know even more, by executing these combos that start in the Yuan Yang fighting style and go into the Double Dagger fighting style. Tong Bei
Raiden is beginning to accept you as a possible ally in the fight to save Earthrealm. If only you knew how to Style Branch all three of your styles into one long combo. Ha! You will show them that your skills are indeed worthy of their quest.
Perform a Style Branch combo that starts in Tong Bei, goes into Yuan Yang, and finishes with the Double Daggers.
Raiden is impressed. But you must pass this one test before he will believe you can handle yourself against the Deadly Alliance. You must Impale him with your Double Daggers. If you do, he will allow Sub-Zero to bring you along.
You know you are the best. Someday YOU will be Grand Master of the Lin Kuei. But if you fail this test, you may never get that chance. Most impressive! Sub-Zero has taught you well. You have mastered many fighting techniques, and have even passed Raiden's test. You are indeed the greatest warrior in the Lin Kuei clan. But there is one opponent you still need to confront...
It is one thing to defeat a foe that does not share your thoughts. It is a completely different situation when confronting a foe that can anticipate your every move. Your final test will be to face a mirror image of Frost. If you can win 3 out of 5 matches, you will have completed your training. Good luck. Win 3 out of 5 matches in a duel to the death.
You must defeat Frost if you plan on being Grand Master.
Congratulations! You have finished your training! This journey is complete. But the road to your destiny is long traveled, and there is always more to learn. |