Although quite young, Li Mei grew up in the presence of martial arts masters and can hold her own in a fight. When Kano's troops invaded her homeland under the banner of the Deadly Alliance, she fought bravely and bested many of Kano's men. She might have defeated Kano himself had Quan Chi not interfered.
Baji Quan is a 500 year old Chinese art meaning Eight Extremities Fist. Primarily a close-range style, Baji Quan uses all eight extremities such as the head, shoulders, elbows, hand, feet, back, hips, and knees. Baji Quan is actively being taught to the Taiwan Military Police.
Wing Arm
Upward Palm Strike
Thrusting Fingers
Circling Hand Strike
Scraping Kick
Lifting Kick
Nailing Kick
The Baji Quan fighting style is characterized by its sudden release of explosive power, and both long and short-range techniques.
Punish Kano with these explosive attacks.
Low Scooping Arm
Scooping Arm
Low Kick
Rising Elbow
Excellent. You are learning quickly. Let us move on to Baji Quan's low attacks. These attacks are quite effective, however they are only for close kombat.
Perform these low attacks on Kano.
While in the Baji Quan fighting style, Li Mei can Taunt her opponent. This move is not only intimidating, but it also rejuvenates some of Li Mei's health.
Use Li Mei's Taunt to regain full health.
You are not paying attention. Perhaps you need more coaching. If you need to look at Li Mei's moves, pause the game and go to the Moves List menu. Very well done. Now that you have mastered Li Mei's Baji Quan fighting style, you must advance to her second style, Lui He Ba Fa.
One of Li Mei's fighting styles is Lui He Ba Fa, or the Kung Fu system of six harmonies and eight methods.
Lui He Ba Fa was developed by Chen Tuan, a famous Taoist of the Later Choi or Sung Dynasty, who lived on Mount Hua in Shensi, China. The style was brought to Outworld by the martial arts master Bo' Rai Cho some 200 years ago.
Sideward Palm
Hammer Palm
Heel Palm Strike
Open Fist Strike
Back Kick
Swinging Elbow
Lifting Knee
The Lui He Ba Fa fighting style is famous for the utilization of one's entire body for spring-like power and movement like a swimming Dragon.
Kano's troops destroyed Li Mei's town and enslaved her people. She almost defeated him once. This is another chance to strike him down.
Halting Palm
Low Jab Fist
Back Sweep
Low Sideward Palm
Magnificent! You are a quick learner. Now use the Lui He Ba Fa low attacks to keep Kano on the defensive.
While using the Lui He Ba Fa fighting style, Li Mei can Shove a blocking opponent. A Shove is used to push a blocking opponent away from you.
Break Kano's block with the Shove move five times.
You failed. It would seem that your thoughts are elsewhere. You must concentrate. Excellent. You have defeated Kano with your expertise in the Lui He Ba Fa fighting style.
Now you will practice Li Mei's weapon style, the Sai.
Prior to 1870, the Sai was carried by special units of the Okinawan police. The Sai most likely migrated to Japan from China, Malaysia, or India where it is also used.
Overhead Smash
Forward Thrust
Gut Stab
Rising Sai
Foot Spike
Side Swipe
The Sai weapon style is known for its lightning strikes, devastating jabs, and hook attacks. Attack Kano with some of these deadly techniques.
Low Swipe
Low Thrust
Knee Poke
Sweeping Sai
Hooking Stab
Excellent. Your mastery of Li Mei's Sai seems limitless.
Now you must learn her Sai low attacks. Use them to keep Kano on the defensive.
Li Mei has the ability to Impale her Sai into an opponent to drain his lifeforce. This is a devastating tactic that can turn the duel to your advantage. Once lodged into an opponent, Li Mei's Sai cannot be removed.
Impale Kano with Li Mei's Sai.
You failed. It would seem that your thoughts are elsewhere. You must concentrate. Indeed, you have proven that 'Sais' does matter. I believe it would now be appropriate to begin Li Mei's special move training. This next trial pits you against Mavado, a member of the Red Dragon clan. He has never done anything to you, but you must fight him anyway.
You must learn to harness your Fa Jing, or Inner Power. Li Mei has learned to focus her Fa Jing into a lightning fast projectile she calls the Sparkler.
Practice Li Mei's Sparkler move 3 times before time runs out.
Your mind is clouded, young apprentice. Mavado may be more attractive than Kano, but do not delude yourself. His duty is to his clan. He is uninterested in such things as dating. Clear your mind and focus. Concentrate and try again.
Again, you amaze me with your talent. Let us see how well you do in kombat. Hit Mavado with Li Mei's Sparkler move 3 times before he defeats you or time runs out. Excellent! You have begun to harness your Fa Jing, and have mastered Li Mei's Sparkler move. In this next lesson, you will further your special move training and learn to fly. Reptile will be your sparring partner.
Flying Fists
Li Mei has learned to channel her Fa Jing into a powerful special move she calls the Flying Fists.
Practice Li Mei's Flying Fist 3 times before time runs out. This is indeed a difficult move, young sparrow. But you must... aw heck. Just do it again. I'm gonna go to the fridge and get a cold one. You want anything?
Flying Fists
Again, you have proven to be a quick study. But let us see how you fare in kombat.
Attack Reptile with Li Mei's Flying Fists 3 times before he defeats you or time runs out. You have indeed soared to new heights! Remember the Flying Fists well, for it will prove most useful in kombat. Your next opponent will be the sorcerer Quan Chi, enslaver of your race. He and Shang Tsung have forced your people to build a palace fortress, under threat of death. They have used Kano's loyal army to maintain their control over its construction.
Li Mei's Kartwheel kick causes a deadly strike to the top of her opponent's head.
Practice Li Mei's Kartwheel kick 3 times before time runs out.
It would seem that your thoughts are elsewhere. You must concentrate. Try again.
Once again you impress me. Your skills are improving. But let us see how well you handle yourself against a moving opponent.
Attack Quan Chi with Li Mei's Kartwheel kick 3 times before he defeats you or time runs out. Impressive! Your execution of the Kartwheel kick is unparalleled.
Quan Chi had seen Li Mei's fighting skills during the attack on her town, and recognized her formidable warrior spirit. He greatly desired to transplant her soul into one of the mummified soldiers, and offered to release her people if she could win the Deadly Alliance tournament. The tournament was to be held in the palace once its construction was completed. Li Mei accepted the challenge to free her people.
Klock Kick
Li Mei's Klock Kick causes a massive uppercut to her opponent. Practice the Klock Kick 3 times before time runs out.
You must practice for the tournament of the Deadly Alliance. Try again.
Klock Kick
Very impressive! The execution of your technique is improving. But let us see how well you handle yourself against Quan Chi in kombat.
Attack Quan Chi with the Klock Kick 3 times before you are defeated or time runs out.
Flying Fists
Klock Kick
Now destroy Quan Chi with all of Li Mei's special attacks before he defeats you or time runs out. Very well done. Now you must learn attack combinations. Utilizing combos will greatly increase the damage done to your opponent.
Lost Rose
Pink Dragon
Perform these basic Lui He Ba Fa combos on the ninja spectre, Scorpion, before time runs out.
Do not be intimidated by Scorpion's hellspawn appearance. He has no quarrel with you and will not harm you. Try again.
Extreme Fists
Explosive Strength
Coiled Dragon
Very impressive! Your technique improves with each new lesson! Let us see how well you master these more complicated combos. Well done! You have proven yourself a master of Li Mei's basic combos. Now you must learn how to chain a combo from one style to another. This type of attack is called a Style Branch combo.
Start in Lui He Ba Fa
Try this Style Branch combo that starts with Li Mei's Lui He Ba Fa style and goes into the Sai. Start in Lui He Ba Fa
Now execute this more complicated Style Branch combo that starts with Li Mei's Lui He Ba Fa style and goes into the Sai.
Start in Baji Quan
Very good. Now execute this more complicated Style Branch combo that chains all 3 of Li Mei's fighting styles together. You must start in the Baji Quan fighting style.
Take out your frustration, and Impale Scorpion with Li Mei's Sai.
Do not despair, little one. You have come this far... you can complete this lesson. Try again. Most impressive! You have learned much through your journey. You have mastered many fighting styles and beaten many opponents. But there is one opponent you still need to confront...
It is one thing to defeat a foe that does not share your thoughts. It is a completely different situation when confronting a foe that can anticipate your every move. Your final test will be to face a mirror image of Li Mei. If you can win 3 out of 5 matches, you will have completed your training.
Win 3 out of 5 matches in a duel to the death.
You failed, girl.
Congratulations! You have finished your training! This journey is complete. But the road to your destiny is long traveled, and there is always more to learn. |