The Red Dragon operative Hsu Hao's strength is his ability to concentrate on one objective at a time. He is not easily distracted and lives to serve the will of his clan. This characteristic may be a side effect of his cybernetic heart. Without ambition, there can be no distraction. All that remains is duty.
With a history of over 2000 years, Shuai Chiao is the oldest martial art in China. The Red Dragon clan have adopted it as a standard fighting style for entry-level recruits. Although Hsu Hao was already an accomplished martial artist, he was still required to learn Shuai Chiao once he joined their secretive organization.
Single Hand Strike
Lunging Palm
Crouching Chop
Front Snap Kick
Rising Knee
Mavado was in charge of training Hsu Hao. With his heart removed and replaced with a cybernetic life support apparatus, Hsu Hao made for an excellent student who was extremely focused.
Practice Hsu Hao's Shuai Chiao high attacks with Mavado.
Single Hand Strike
Lunging Palm
Crouching Chop
Front Snap Kick
Rising Knee
Mavado will test what you have learned. See if you can attack him with the Shuai Chiao high attacks he just taught you.
Low Wing Strike
Shoulder Lunge
Crouching Sweep
Low Kick
You have passed your first test. Now you must learn the Shuai Chiao low attacks.
Low Wing Strike
Shoulder Lunge
Crouching Sweep
Low Kick
For your second test, you will attack Mavado with the low attacks you have just learned.
You are of a single-mindedness that makes for enhanced learning capabilities. Mavado will see how well you can switch to another mode of attack and still retain that concentration.
Throw Mavado by grabbing his feet and tossing him into the air. You are not living up to your reputation. When you had approached the Red Dragon, you had claimed to be a great warrior. Prove your worth or be eliminated.
You have completed your Shuai Chiao training and will now begin the second style required of new recruits. Wrestling may not be a particularly flashy martial art, but it is very effective.
Rising Neck Strike
Strong Hook Punch
Spinning Backfist
Straight Kick
Front Kick
Mavado will teach you Wrestling high attacks.
Rising Neck Strike
Strong Hook Punch
Spinning Backfist
Straight Kick
Front Kick
You will now be tested. Attack Mavado with the Wrestling high attacks you just learned.
Low Jab
Low Kick
Low Shin Kick
Most impressive. Mavado has never had a pupil who learned as fast as you have. He will now extend your Wrestling training to include low attacks.
Low Jab
Low Kick
Low Shin Kick
Now that you know the Wrestling low attacks, you will be tested once again. Attack Mavado with the Wrestling low attacks you just learned.
Back Breaker
Shoulder Toss
Mavado sees much promise in you. He will teach you wrestling throws, but only because he thinks you can handle it. He will not, however, make it an easy lesson.
A useful Wrestling move is the Reversal. This attack will allow you to stop an opponent's attack long enough to counter with your own attack.
Counter Mavado's attack with a Reversal move.
Is there a malfunction with your heart unit? Perhaps you should see the Red Dragon's cybernetic surgeon.
Once Hsu Hao had completed his basic training of the required fighting styles, he was allowed to choose a weapon style from a vast collection of blades in the Red Dragon arsenal. Hsu Hao chose the Sun-Moon Blades.
Downward Circling Sword
Twisting Sword
Rising Strike
Upward Circling Sword
Gut Strike
Push Strike
Edge Stab
Rising Chop
Like Mavado's hookswords, the Sun-Moon Blades are a double-weapon fighting style. Mavado will teach you the basic high attacks of this unusual weapon style.
Downward Circling Sword
Twisting Sword
Rising Strike
Upward Circling Sword
Biu Do
Push Strike
Pek Do
Rising Chop
Now defend yourself against Mavado with the Sun-Moon high attacks you have just learned.
Cutting Sword
Piercing Low Strike
Next, Mavado will teach you the Sun-Moon low attack basics.
Cutting Sword
Piercing Low Strike
Mavado will test you on your Sun-Moon low attack knowledge. Do not disappoint him. If you pass this final test, you will become a full member of the Red Dragon and receive your first assignment. If you fail this lesson, you will be eliminated.
Hsu Hao completed his training and Mavado gave him his first assignment. He was to infiltrate the Special Forces by posing as a former member of a secret Chinese military group. From the inside, the Red Dragon clan could keep track of the Special Forces as well as covertly feed them information about their rival clan, the Black Dragon. The Special Forces would be unwittingly destroying the Black Dragon for Mavado's clan.
Cyrus Stomp
Hsu Hao impressed the Special Forces with his fighting skills and was commissioned as a free agent. He slowly gained the trust of the organization for his help in the capture of Black Dragon clan members.
Attack the Black Dragon member, Kano, with Hsu Hao's Cyrus Stomp 2 times.
Cyrus Stomp
Kano won't go down without a fight, but you must capture him to gain the trust of the Special Forces. Apply your boots to his head 3 more times to knock him out.
You must prove to the Special Forces that you are an ally. Destroy the Black Dragon, Kano.
Hsu Hao's track record gained notoriety within the Special Forces. He seemed to have a 6th sense about the Black Dragon and brought down many of their members. This ability was exploited to its fullest potential by Jax and Sonya, whose special task it was to deal with that criminal organization. They regularly included Hsu Hao in their operations.
Kano has escaped from a Special Forces prison truck. Bring him in with Hsu Hao's Khan Klap attack.
Khan Klap
Kano is getting his second wind. Blow him away again with his Khan Klap attack. You have one objective. Capture Kano. Although the Black Dragon was seemingly destroyed, Mavado felt that it would serve the Red Dragon best if Hsu Hao remained under cover until further notice. He was eventually asked by the Special Forces to remain with Jax and Sonya's group to start up the Outerworld Investigation Agency. Kenshi also joined the Agency around this time.
Bottle Opener
Bone Crusher
Practice your Shuai Chiao combos with Special Forces agent Kenshi.
Bottle Opener
Bone Crusher
Now spar with Kenshi, using those same Shuai Chiao combos.
Show Kenshi Hsu Hao's more complicated combos.
Kenshi is impressed. He wants to practice countering those last combos. Kenshi would make an excellent Red Dragon. Mavado should be made aware of this swordsman. But for now, you must not let your thoughts distract you. Defeat Kenshi. Hsu Hao's new orders came when his superior, Mavado, instructed him to destroy the Outerworld Investigation Agency's ability to travel to Outworld. Once this task was accomplished, he was then to rendezvous with Mavado in that realm to receive further instruction.
Before parting, Mavado would like to see what you have learned since your time amongst the Special Forces.
Show him a Wrestling combo that you have developed.
Mavado is intrigued with this new move. He will test you unofficially to see how effective it is in kombat.
Your move does not seem to be very effective. Do not disappoint Mavado. Defeat him with your new Wrestling combo.
Mavado is impressed that you have continued practicing the Red Dragon fighting styles he taught you. He would like to see more before parting.
The Khan
Lost Dragon
Setting Sun
Show Mavado the new Sun-Moon attack combos you have developed.
Red Dragon Returns
Lost Dragon
Setting Sun
Most impressive! But Mavado will need to see those combos put to the test. He will try to defeat you this time.
Not good enough. Perhaps he has chosen the wrong man for the job.
Hsu Hao gained access to a small, but very powerful, explosive device and made his way to the underground chamber that housed the inter-realm portals used by the Outerworld Investigation Agency. He powered-up the portal to Outworld and activated the explosive device with a short countdown just as Jax came barreling down upon him.
You must escape from Jax. Use a Style Branch combo that starts with the Shuai Chiao style, then goes into Wrestling, and then finish with your Sun-Moon blades.
Jax was not sure what you were up to, but now that he knows your intentions, he will do his best to stop you.
Use the combo again.
Pints of Blood
Make Jax BLEED!!! Once you have drained Jax of enough blood, toss a grenade at the main control panel and jump through the portal to Outworld to meet up with Mavado for further orders.
This is a pivotal moment. If you do not defeat Jax and destroy the portals, you will have failed the Red Dragon.
Most impressive! You have learned much through your journey. You have mastered many fighting styles and beaten many opponents. But there is one opponent you still need to confront.
It is one thing to defeat a foe that does not share your thoughts. It is a completely different situation when confronting a foe that can anticipate your every move. Your final test will be to face a mirror image of Hsu Hao. If you can win 3 out of 5 matches, you will have completed your training. Good Luck.
Win 3 out of 5 matches in a duel to the death.
You failed. You have to learn to perform all of Hsu Hao's attacks and also defend against Hsu Hao's attacks if you plan on being victorious.
Congratulations! You have finished your training! This journey is complete. But the road to your destiny is long traveled, and there is always more to learn. |