An Oni is a demon from the Netherealm. They are foul creatures consumed with hatred and possessed with the desire to inflict pain and suffering upon others. Drahmin is no exception. With his right arm completely encased within an iron club, he eagerly crushes his opponents to dust. You must learn to use this rage to your advantage.
The torturous environment of the 5th plane of the Netherealm can twist any being into a vicious monster. Such is the story of Drahmin, the Oni Tormentor. Once a mortal man, he was banished to this unforgiving realm and forgotten for ages. He is no longer the being he once was.
Big Whack
Gut Smash
Hooking Kick
Back Kick
Drahmin and his Oni companion, Moloch, first encountered the sorcerer Quan Chi during a battle with Scorpion. Quan Chi pleaded with the two Oni to protect him. In return, he offered to release them from the Netherealm.
Defend the sorcerer Quan Chi from the ninja spectre, Scorpion, with Drahmin's Netherealm high attacks.
Straight Kick
Rising Blast
While using his Netherealm fighting style, Drahmin can execute 2 pop-up attacks. These moves can pop an opponent into the air long enough to execute another attack. Attack Scorpion with Drahmin's Straight Kick and Rising Blast pop-up attacks.
Attack Scorpion with his Netherealm Straight Kick pop-up attack and then, while he is still in the air, attack him 2 more times with the Straight Kick to juggle him.
Now attack Scorpion with Drahmin's Netherealm Rising Blast pop-up attack and then, while he is still in the air, juggle him with any of Drahmin's attacks.
Low Kick
Low Swipe
Low Strike
Drahmin stooped to slam Scorpion from below...
Attack Scorpion with Drahmin's Netherealm low attacks.
While in his Netherealm fighting style, Drahmin tormented Scorpion with a Taunt. This move rejuvenated Drahmin's netheressence by a small amount. Execute 2 successful Taunts to regain full netheressence.
If you do not protect Quan Chi from Scorpion, you will never escape the Netherealm.
Drahmin and Moloch cast Scorpion away with their combined attack... but for how long? The ninja spectre gained strength from this realm with each passing moment. At the same time, Quan Chi's powers were fading the longer he remained. If Quan Chi had the means to free Drahmin and Moloch, he had to do it fast. Drahmin had no patience for broken promises. Especially the promise of freedom.
An Oni has a built-in rage that is difficult to suppress once unleashed. Drahmin had tapped into this rage when he fought Scorpion.
Iron Lunge
Frontal Kick
Smashing Iron
Quan Chi himself will face the wrath of an Oni if he does not release Drahmin and Moloch from the Netherealm.
Practice Drahmin's Oni fighting style high attacks.
Crushing Chop
Rising Blast
While in his Oni fighting style, Drahmin can execute 2 pop-up attacks. These moves can pop an opponent into the air long enough to execute another attack.
Attack Quan Chi with Drahmin's Crushing Chop and Rising Blast pop-up attacks.
Attack Quan Chi with his Oni Crushing Chop pop-up attack and then, while he is still in the air, attack him 2 more times with the Crushing Chop to juggle him.
Now attack Quan Chi with Drahmin's Oni Rising Blast pop-up attack and then, while he is still in the air, juggle him with any of Drahmin's attacks.
Low Swipe
Low Strike
Low Kick
Drahmin utilizes a series of Oni low attacks which he uses to crush knees and sweep kick.
Execute Drahmin's Oni low attacks on Quan Chi.
While in the Oni fighting style, Drahmin can Shove a blocking opponent. This move is useful to push a blocking opponent away from you.
Shove your blocking opponent away from you 5 times.
Your Oni rage is pathetic! You must RAAAAAGGGEEE!!
Quan Chi needed more information about the 5th plane of the Netherealm in order to devise a means of escape. The two Oni took him to an extremely ancient structure where Drahmin had seen tablets covered with unfamiliar writing. The entrance to the site had been blocked by fallen stone debris. Drahmin smashed the larger blocks to pieces with his Iron Club and the three of them walked into the old roofless structure.
Head Smash
Leaping Smash
Iron Strike
Neck Jab
Power Swipe
The strength of Drahmin's Iron Club attacks are tremendous. Attack Quan Chi with Drahmin's Iron Club high attacks.
Doom Chop
Rising Blast
While in his Iron Club fighting style, Drahmin can execute 2 pop-up attacks. These moves can pop an opponent into the air long enough to execute another attack.
Attack Quan Chi with Drahmin's Doom Chop and Rising Blast pop-up attacks.
Attack Quan Chi with your Iron Club Doom Chop pop-up attack and then, while he is still in the air, attack him 2 more times with the Doom Chop to juggle him.
Now attack Quan Chi with Drahmin's Iron Club Rising Blast pop-up attack and then, while he is still in the air, juggle him with any of Drahmin's attacks.
Mid Swipe
Low Strike
Iron Sweep
Low Kick
Drahmin utilizes a series of Iron Club low attacks, which he uses to crush knees and sweep kick.
Execute Drahmin's Iron Club low attacks on Quan Chi.
You must learn to wield your Iron Club as if it were a part of you.
As Quan Chi was reading from an old stone tablet, Scorpion smashed it to dust with a shot of his spear. Quan Chi called for protection and Drahmin and Moloch sprung into action once again.
One devastating blow Drahmin used to pummel Scorpion was his Super Uppercut.
Attack Scorpion with Drahmin's Super Uppercut.
Super Uppercut
Scorpion shook off the pain and attacked Drahmin.
You must protect Quan Chi. Only he holds the key to escaping the Netherealm.
Quan Chi had fled down a corridor. In his bewilderment, Moloch loosened his grip on Scorpion just enough for the ninja to escape. Scorpion then chased after Quan Chi. Moloch and Drahmin were not far behind. Up ahead, they saw the sorcerer open some sort of portal and jump through. Scorpion followed. Quan Chi had indeed left them behind. But as they drew nearer to the mystical structure, it was clear to them that the portal had not yet closed. Moloch and Drahmin crossed through the void into Outworld.
Once in Outworld, Drahmin's putrid flesh began attracting insects from all around until he was surrounded by a swarm of Outworld Rotflies.
Practice hurling 3 Balls-O-Flies at your betrayer, Quan Chi.
Quan Chi is disgusted by the Rotflies. He will dodge them if you attack again.
Check your flies and try again.
Moloch and Drahmin had emerged in Outworld next to a large circular stone disc that was lying on its side. Its shape was vaguely familiar to Drahmin. Suddenly there was a scent of mortal flesh in the air. It was Moloch who smelled it first. The mortal had not noticed them until it was too late. The two Oni pounced on their prey.
Propeller Clock
The mortal was stunned by the first attack. Drahmin seized the moment and attacked the cyborg with a Propeller Clock pop-up attack.
Attack the yellow mortal with Drahmin's Propeller Clock pop-up attack.
The mortal is quite resilient! Attack it with the Propeller Clock pop-up attack and then, while it is still in the air, juggle it with the Ball-O-Flies attack.
The mortal's shell is tougher than you had thought! Crack its shell with a Propeller Clock and then, while it is still in the air, Slam it with a Super Uppercut.
Even Moloch is impressed with the mortal's ability to withstand the attacks!
Attack it with the Propeller Clock pop-up and then, while it is still in the air, juggle it with another Propeller Clock pop-up attack.
Propeller Clock
It seems the mortal has regained its health in some way. It is fighting back. Attack it with another Propeller Clock pop-up attack 4 times. You almost have it! Just crack open its shell to get to the juicy bits! Drahmin and Moloch were close to tasting mortal flesh when the prey they had been attacking spit out an enchanted object that burst into a loud fireball. The two Oni ran from the mortal for fear of another attack. They spent the coming months in the forests near a small town, eating mortals that wandered too close to the treeline.
Punching Bag Throw
Li Mei has wandered too close to the treeline!
Knock her out with 3 of Drahmin's Punching Bag Throws. You must be in the Oni or the Netherealm fighting style to execute the attack.
The female mortal is still conscious!
Attack the mortal with another Punching Bag Throw and then, while it is still in the air, juggle it with a Straight Kick in the Netherealm fighting style followed by a Super Uppercut.
The female mortal still lives! Attack the mortal with another Punching Bag Throw and then, while it is still in the air, juggle it with a Crushing Chop in the Oni fighting style, followed by a Propeller Clock.
Punching Bag Throw
The mortal has rejuvenated it's health somehow! Throw it 4 times with the Punching Bag Throw.
If you wish to consume the flesh of mortals, you must defeat this mortal female.
Indeed you are most fortunate. You will now have the honor of participating in The Trial Of Blood!
Pints of blood
Make Sonya bleed 40 pints of blood before she defeats you or time runs out. You are an Oni. The smell of blood should intensify your rage!
Your might will now be tested. Shatter this gemstone to prove that you are the strongest Oni in the Netherealm.
Most impressive! You have learned much through your journey. You have mastered many fighting styles and beaten many opponents. But there is one opponent you still need to confront.
It is one thing to defeat a foe that does not share your thoughts. It is a completely different situation when confronting a foe that can anticipate your every move. Your final test will be to face a mirror image of Drahmin. If you can win 3 out of 5 matches, you will have completed your training. Good Luck.
Win 3 out of 5 matches in a duel to the death.
You failed.
Congratulations! You have finished your training! This journey is complete. But the road to your destiny is long traveled, and there is always more to learn. |