The Thunder God, Raiden, is mentor to all the heroes of Earthrealm. He is ageless, wise, and can harness the wrath of thunder itself. Raiden will make an excellent subject for study on this journey. Raiden had been elevated to the status of Elder God after the war with Shinnok. But when he could not convince the other Elder Gods to prevent Shang Tsung and Quan Chi from awakening the Dragon King's sleeping army, he relinquished his status and returned to Earthrealm. The first of Earth's heroes he warned of the coming danger was Kung Lao.
Backfist Chop
Stepping Snap Kick
Hop Side Kick
Low Chin Strike
Thunder Chop
Dual Thunder Palms
You will now study one of Raiden's many fighting styles. Nan Chuan consists of attacks that are most effective at short to middle range. Nan Chuan contains a greater number and variety of hand techniques, and fewer leg techniques. Practice these Nan Chuan high attacks.
Lightning Jab
Backfist Chop
Stepping Snap Kick
Hop Side Kick
Low Chin Strike
Thunder Chop
Dual Thunder Palms
Kung Lao will now challenge you. Attack him with Raiden's Nan Chuan high attacks.
Low Double Palm Strike
Low Elbow Strike
Shin Strike
Hook Leg Knockdown
Excellent. Now for Raiden's Nan Chuan's low attacks.
Low Double Palm Strike
Low Elbow Strike
Shin Strike
Hook Leg Knockdown
The Shaolin monk, Kung Lao, will challenge your knowledge of Nan Chuan low attacks.
Raiden's movements are as fast as lightning. He can even stop an opponent's blow by grabbing the attacking limb. This move gives Raiden an opportunity to counter with his own attack. Catch Kung Lao's attack with Raiden's Reversal move. Do not be concerned with your failure. You are attempting to learn the kombat skills of a god. You will undoubtedly need much practice. The second of Earth's heroes to be visited by Raiden was Jax. The Outerworld Investigation Agency had just been destroyed, and with it, any mortal means for traversing into Outworld. Raiden instructed Jax to meet with the other heroes on the old island fortress of Shang Tsung in the Lost Sea.
Open Hand Strike
Bent Wrist Strike
Front Snap Kick
Front Thrusting Kick
Bearhand Chop
Diagonal Fist
Thunder God Palm
Jujutsu is a term used to refer to unarmed Japanese combat. There are more than 750 documented varieties of Jujutsu. Raiden has mastered them all. Practice Raiden's Jujutsu high attacks.
Open Hand Strike
Bent Wrist Strike
Front Snap Kick
Front Thrusting Kick
Bearhand Chop
Diagonal Fist
Thunder God Palm
This time, Jax will fight back. Attack him with Raiden's Jujutsu high attacks.
Low Palm Strike
Back Sweep
Front Sweep
Very well done! Next you will learn Raiden's Jujutsu low attacks. 3 of them are sweeps.
Low Palm Strike
Back Sweep
Front Sweep
Let us see how you fare when Jax is no longer so passive. Attack him with the Jujutsu low attacks again.
Raiden can harness the invisible power of the wind to Shove a blocking opponent away from him. Push Jax 5 times with Raiden's Shove move.
You have much to learn, and Raiden has much to teach. Repeat the lesson. Johnny Cage was in the middle of a movie shoot when Raiden appeared to request his assistance in Outworld. At first, Johnny Cage had thought Raiden was merely the actor who was playing Raiden in his current movie project. But when he noticed the 'movie Raiden' eating doughnuts at the catering table, he knew his old friend had truly returned from The Heavens.
Overhead Strike
Upward Strike
Leaping Strike
Reverse Thrust
Reverse Side Strike
Raiden has always relied upon his staff in unpredictable circumstances. It is a source of great fighting power. Practice Raiden's Staff high attacks.
Overhead Strike
Upward Strike
Leaping Strike
Reverse Thrust
Reverse Side Strike
Johnny Cage is not afraid to die. He will now kombat your Staff high attack skills.
One Handed Poke
Low One Handed Poke
Low Strike
Sweeping Strike
Sweeping Swing
Now you must learn Raiden's Staff low attacks.
One Handed Poke
Low One Handed Poke
Low Strike
Sweeping Strike
Sweeping Swing
Johnny Cage will see how well you have learned Raiden's Staff low attacks.
Hit Swing
2 Hit Swing
2 Hit Swing
Next you will learn one of Raiden's special Staff attacks. It uses both high and low attacks together.
Johnny Cage is not laughing AT you, he is laughing WITH you. Next, Raiden visited the new home of the reformed Lin Kuei to ask Sub-Zero for his assistance. Sub-Zero was eager to help and prove that the new Lin Kuei was indeed a force for good.
Being the God of Thunder, Raiden commands all that is a storm. While in his Nan Chuan and Jujutsu fighting styles, he can electrocute and throw his opponents with the force of lightning. Practice his throw twice.
Another shocking attack that Raiden can perform in all three of his fighting styles is his Shocker. You must execute this move twice.
Sub-Zero has been training many of his new recruits, specifically Frost. He will test your shock value. Attack him with both of Raiden's electrifying attacks twice each.
There is no rush. The other heroes can deal with the Deadly Alliance without you. Repeat this lesson. Sub-Zero had requested of Raiden that he allow his new recruit, Frost, to accompany him to Outworld. At first, Raiden did not think that Frost was experienced enough as a warrior to take on the Deadly Alliance. But after testing her in kombat, he welcomed her assistance.
Lightning Dash
Show Frost Raiden's Lightning Dash twice.
Lightning Bolt
Now intimidate her with Raiden's Lightning Bolt.
Lightning Dash
Lightning Bolt
Frost is unafraid and is challenging you. Attack her with Raiden's Lighning Dash and his Lightning Bolt twice each. You must push the young warrior to see what she is really made of. Do not hold back next time. Raiden next approached Sonya Blade to ask for her help. She had already been in contact with Jax and had been informed of the destruction of their main base. She was quite ready to do whatever it would take to stop the threat that was about to befall Earth.
Thunder Clap
Electric Strike
The Middle Way
Knowledge And Skill
Butterfly Palms
Raiden can combine his Nan Chuan moves into longer, more powerful attacks. Practice these Nan Chuan attack combos with Sonya Blade.
Finishing Touch
Natural Way
Wake the Dead
These next combos are some of Raiden's more advanced, and more effective Nan Chuan attack combos.
Sonya thinks you need more practice. If you were in the Special Forces, you would have been kicked out for a shabby performance like that.
Once Earth's heroes had assembled on a beach of Shang Tsung's abandoned island fortress, Raiden appeared to them and explained in detail the events leading up to the formation of the Deadly Alliance. Although Kung Lao had already known, the others were shocked to learn that their old friend and ally, Liu Kang, was dead.
Heavenly Strikes
Essence Of Strength
Raiden will soon be making more allies in the coming struggle. Practice his Jujutsu combos with Special Forces operative, Cyrax.
Heavenly Strikes
Essence Of Strength
Cyrax will see if you have learned Raiden's Jujutsu combos. He will fight back this time.
Thunder God Fists
Another Jujutsu combo Raiden has perfected is Thunder God Fists. This combo ends by slamming his opponent's face into the ground. We shall see if you can do this combo as well.
Thunder God Fists
Cyrax is not going to take that lying down. He will make it harder this time.
Cyrax is not impressed with your performance. Show him what you are made of. Raiden had brought to the surface the sunken ship Shang Tsung had used to bring warriors to his island. The heroes boarded the ship and were taken to a remote spot in the Lost Sea. None mentioned the fact that there was no one steering the ship.
Catching A Butterfly
Another reluctant ally Raiden will meet during the coming battle is the rogue swordsman, Kenshi. Practice this vicious Staff combo with Kenshi. Try not to hit his face too hard.
Catching A Butterfly
Kenshi did not see that coming. He will be more alert this time. Try that same combo again.
Well done. Now test Kenshi's sight with this next Staff combo called Dragon Wind.
Dragon Wind
Kenshi has had enough with the blind jokes. He is... how you say?...'throwing down' this time.
Do not swing blindly. Concentrate. The Thunder God raised his hand and an enormous storm formed in the air above the ship. Off to one side, a platform of some ancient design appeared from out of nowhere. Raiden explained that it was a celestial portal that could be used to traverse to Outworld. To earn the right to cross to the next realm, each kombatant had to defeat a representation of his or her greatest adversary. For Raiden, that challenge came in the form of Quan Chi. Start in Nan Chuan
Raiden can perform Style Branch combos that change from one style to another. Attack Quan Chi with Raiden's Power Bolts Style Branch combo that starts in Nan Chuan and goes into Jujutsu. Start in Nan Chuan
Now hit Quan Chi with Raiden's Style Branch combo called Out Of Order. It starts in Nan Chuan and goes to Jujutsu.
Start in Jujutsu
Pummel Quan Chi with Raiden's Style Branch combo called Fireworks. It starts in Jujutsu and goes into his Staff.
Start in Jujutsu
This next one, called Sparky, also starts in Jujutsu and goes into the Staff.
Start in Nan Chuan
Now for a more complicated combo. This one, called Black Thunder, Style Branches through all 3 of Raiden's main fighting styles. It starts in Nan Chuan, goes into Jujutsu, and finishes with the Staff.
Nan Chuan
This next one should finish Quan Chi. It is called Chain Lightning and it uses all three of Raiden's main styles as well. It starts in Nan Chuan, goes into Jujutsu, and finishes with the Staff.
If you do not defeat Quan Chi, you cannot traverse into Outworld to stop the Deadly Alliance. Most impressive! You have learned much through your journey. You have mastered many fighting styles and beaten many opponents. But there is one opponent you still need to confront...
It is one thing to defeat a foe that does not share your thoughts. It is a completely different situation when confronting a foe that can anticipate your every move. Your final test will be to face a mirror image of Raiden. If you can win 3 out of 5 matches, you will have completed your training. Good Luck.
Win 3 out of 5 matches in a duel to the death.
You failed. You have to learn to perform all of Raiden's attacks and also defend against Raiden's attacks if you plan on being victorious.
Congratulations! You have finished your training! This journey is complete. But the road to your destiny is long traveled and there is always more to learn. |